What are the representative philosophers in the west and what are their masterpieces?

1 List of Major Western Philosophers 1, Thales, an ancient Greek philosopher (whose heyday was about 585 BC), has been regarded as the ancestor of western philosophy since Aristotle.

2. Heraclitus, at the peak of 504-50 BC1year, was an ancient Greek philosopher and one of the founders of dialectics.

3. parmenides (about 504-50 BC1year) was an ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of ontology.

4. democritus, whose heyday was about 420 BC, was an ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of atomism.

5. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (468-399 BC), together with Jesus, Confucius and Sakyamuni, was honored as the mentor of mankind.

6. platon (427-347 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher and a student of Socrates, wrote dialogues such as Apology of Socrates, Republic, parmenides and Wise Man.

7. Aristotle is a student of Plato, a master of Greek philosophy, an encyclopedic philosopher, and the founder of many disciplines. His representative works include Instrumentalism, Physics, Metaphysics, Nicokal Ethics and Politics.

8. Epicurus (about 34 BC1-270 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher, was one of the founders of hedonistic ethics.

9. The ancient Greek philosopher Piron (about 360-270 BC) was the founder of skepticism.

10 Plotinos (about 205-270 AD), a late Greek philosopher, an Egyptian, the main representative of Neo-Platonism, and the author of Nine Chapters.

1 1, Augustine (AD 354-430), the greatest representative of medieval godfather philosophy, wrote Confessions and City of God.

Thomas Aquinas (12, 1225- 1274), the greatest representative of medieval scholasticism, wrote the Encyclopedia of Anti-Paganism and the Encyclopedia of Theology.

Francis Bacon (156 1- 1626), the originator of British empiricism, wrote New Tools and so on.

14, Descartes (rene descartes, 1596- 1650), French philosopher, founder of modern philosophy, pioneer of rationalism, and author of On Method, Meditation on the First Philosophy and Philosophical Principles.

15, Spinoza (1632- 1677), a Dutch philosopher and one of the main representatives of rationalism, is the author of Ethics and so on.

John Locke (16, 1632- 1704), one of the main representatives of British empiricism, is the author of The Theory of Human Rationality.

17 and Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646- 17 16), German philosophers, one of the main representatives of rationalism, are the authors of Monologue and New Theory of Human Reason.

18, Barclays (george berkeley, 1685- 1753), one of the main representatives of British empiricism, is the author of Principles of Human Knowledge.

19, Hume (david hume,171-1776), one of the main representatives of British empiricism, is the author of Theory of Human Nature and Research on Human Reason.

20. Montesquieu (1689- 1755), a French enlightenment thinker, wrote Letters of the Persians and The Spirit of Law.

2 1, Voltaire (Voltaire, 1694- 1778), a French enlightenment thinker, wrote Philosophical Newsletter, etc.

22. Jean-jean-jacques rousseau (17 12- 1778), a French enlightenment thinker, wrote The Origin and Foundation of Human Inequality, The Theory of Social Contract, Emile and Confessions.

23. Lamater (Julien Offray de La Mettrie, 1709- 175 1 year) is a French enlightenment thinker, a representative of mechanical materialism, and the author of Man is a Machine.

24. Emmanuel Kant (1724- 1804), the founder of German classical philosophy, wrote Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason and Critique of Judgment.

25. Hegel (georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, 1770- 183 1), a master of German classical philosophy, is famous for dialectics, and has written Phenomenology of Spirit, Logic and Encyclopedia of Philosophy.