How to put square brackets around word references

Adding footnotes and endnotes manually is troublesome and error-prone. When using Word to add footnotes and endnotes, the operation steps become simple and not easy to make mistakes. Footnotes and endnotes added by Word consist of two linked parts. Namely, the comment mark and the corresponding comment text. Word can automatically number labels or create custom labels by users. When deleting a comment tag, the corresponding comment text will also be deleted. When you add, delete, or move an automatically numbered comment tag, Word renumbers the comment tag. Add footnotes and endnotes by selecting the menu: Insert (I)→ Reference (N)→ Footnotes and endnotes (g), and then click OK. Here are some settings that you can figure out for yourself. Are relatively simple. However, many magazines and papers require square brackets for reference numbers, and the default numbering format of footnotes and endnotes in Word only is without square brackets. If you use the custom method to add square brackets, the reference number will not be adjusted accordingly when adjusting the paragraph order, which will be more troublesome. There are many articles on how to put square brackets on the Internet. There are only two situations: one is to use macros, and the other is to download and install third-party software. It is still difficult for ordinary Word users to adopt macros, and it is also difficult to download a third-party software. How to put square brackets around footnote and endnote numbers in Word documents? We can use Word instead of (e) function. Everyone is familiar with the common search and replacement, but some special characters are rarely used. For example, how to clear redundant blank lines between paragraphs in batches? We just need to find ^p^p and replace it with p, that is, replace multiple line breaks with one. The p here is a line break. How to put square brackets around footnote and endnote numbers with the replacement function? We still use the default 1, 2,3 to insert endnotes. After all the words are completed, we can replace the endnote numbering format with [1], replace [2] and [3] with square brackets, and of course, we can also replace it with < & gt{} () and other formats you want. The specific operation method is as follows: If endnotes are used, look for endnote mark E and replace them with [&; ] yes; If footnotes are used, find the footnote mark f and replace it all with [&; ] I will.