The author of Dashilan in history

Dashilan in history by Zhao Qian.

The author of Dashilan generally refers to the creator of literary, artistic and scientific works, and sometimes refers to the founder of a certain theory, or the organizer or planner of an event.

A person who organizes other people's creations, provides advice, material conditions, or carries out other auxiliary activities, even if it plays an important role in the creation of a work, will not become an author.

In the copyright laws of the Soviet Union, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Spain and other countries, the author refers to a natural person who directly engages in literary and artistic creation activities through his own independent ideas and uses his own skills and methods, and produces works that reflect the creator's personal characteristics.

They include novelists, poets, prose writers, playwrights, composers, lyric writers, journalists, painters, calligraphers, sculptors, handicraft designers, and? Architect, photographer, translator, computer programmer, etc. Copyright laws in the United States, Japan and other countries also recognize legal persons as authors.