In the morning, ministers bowed down to the emperor and shouted "Long live the emperor". The emperor replied, "Everyone loves Qing to stand up!" "
Zhang Sheng took his wife to his father-in-law's house. When Zhang Sheng saw his father-in-law, he saluted and said, "The son-in-law sees his father-in-law." My father-in-law said, "Give gifts for free."
The difference between standing and not giving gifts is as follows:
1, meaning different.
Upright means standing up after bowing and standing straight. A free ceremony means no need to salute.
2, the usage is different
Flat body is mostly used after the other party has bowed their heads. And free gifts are used when the other party wants to salute themselves.
3, the scope is different
Standing flat is only used for bowing. The freedom ceremony includes not only the bowing ceremony, but also the etiquette such as bowing.