Concepts and types of legal documents

Legal analysis: 1. Concept of legal documents: legal documents in a broad sense refer to all documents involving legal content, including two aspects: first, normative legal documents with universal binding force, specifically referring to various laws, administrative regulations, local regulations and rules; 2. Non-normative legal documents that are not universally binding, that is, legal documents in a narrow sense, refer to non-normative documents with legal effect or legal significance made by state judicial organs, lawyers and law firms, arbitration organs, notary organs and parties to cases in order to deal with various litigation cases and non-litigation cases. 2. Types of legal documents: civil and commercial judgment documents, administrative judgment documents, criminal judgment documents, arbitration legal documents, notarization legal documents, litigation legal documents, non-litigation legal documents, company management documents, company liquidation documents and commonly used legal documents.

Legal basis: Article 5 of the Constitution of People's Republic of China (PRC). People's Republic of China (PRC) governs the country according to law and builds a socialist country ruled by law. The state maintains the unity and dignity of the socialist legal system. All laws, administrative regulations and local regulations shall not contravene the Constitution. All state organs and armed forces, political parties, social organizations, enterprises and institutions must abide by the Constitution and laws. All violations of the Constitution and laws must be investigated. No organization or individual may have privileges beyond the Constitution and laws.