Article 1; one
Can generate energy
About preparation & about, about
Above, above, above
Overseas mergers and acquisitions. Foreign advertisement
Stress; Stress; adjust
Accept v accept; Bear; agree
Accidents; according to
Achiev 5 completed; realize
Cross hybridization
Act one. V. Performance
Action; action
Active a positive
Activities; activity
Add v to increase
Affordable v provision; provide
Fear a fear, fear
After the advertisement, after the preparation & ampConj. ...
Advertising again; and
Against preparation
Age n age; age
Used to be
Agree; agree
Agreement n agrees
air line
Alive a is alive; lively
All a & pronall all
Allow v allow
Almost; almost
Alone; separate
Prepare ahead along the advertisement &
I already have it.
Despite, despite
forever and always
America n America; United States of America
American a & ampn Americans; Americans
In progress ...
Ancient times; Ancient
And conj and
Angry A is angry.
Animals; animal
Another a & ampPron another; another
Answer the n & ampv answer
Ants, ants
Any pron & amp one
Anyone to anyone; someone
Anyone to anyone; anyone/anybody
Anything; Thing sth
Anyway, ad, anyway; Anyway/anyway/anyway
No matter where; Anywhere;
Appearance v appears
Apple; apple
Arms and hands
Army n army; army
Around preparation and. Surrounding advertisements; Bypass
Arrive at v; reach
Art; Art; technology
Article n; essay
Such as ad, conj & amp preparation time; be just like
Northern Asia; Asian
Asian a & ampn Asians; Asian
Ask v; Requirements; request
Sleeping a fell asleep; asleep
At prep is at; correct
Atlantic oil company. Atlantic; the Atlantic
Attention; Attention; Care; like
Auntie auntie n; Auntie; Auntie; Auntie; aunt
Australia Australia
Australia a & ampn Australians; Australian
Available a available; free
Avoidance n avoidance; cancel
Sober v wakes up; sober
Go away, go away; leave
Baby n baby; The youngest person
Back ads and advertisements. the Huis
Background n background; basis
Bad (worst, worst) a bad; serious
Package n package; bag
Ball, ball
Balloon n balloon; airship
Bamboo; Bamboo; bamboo pole
Bananas; banana
Bank n bank; road embankment
Baseball; Baseball; baseball
Foundation a foundation; basic
Basket n basket; basket
Basketball n basketball; basketball
Toilet n; Toilet?
Yes (yes, yes, yes, once, once, yes, yes) auxiliary v is.
Beach n beach; seashore
Bear? N bear;
Beat v & ampn; Frustration; beat
A beautiful one; Wonderful; beautiful
Because conj because; because
Become; Become; Become; become
Bed n bed; bed
Dormitory n dormitory; bedroom
Bee n honey peak
Before preparation, advertisements and advertisements. Conj before, before
Begin (start, start) v start; Start; build
Behavior; bearing
In the back, in the back; trace
Believe v believe; trust
Bell n bell; ring
Prepare next; underneath
Next to it. Ready to be next to it. exist
In addition to preparing & ampAd; except
In between ...; centre
Beyond ...; Exceed (exceed)
Big a big; huge
bicycle; cycling
Bill; Bill; declaration form
Bird n bird; birds and beasts
Born n born; be born
Birthday n birthday; birthday
Cookies; Cookies; Soft cake
Bite n a little; 1?o'clock
Bitter and bitter; painful
Black a & ampn black; dark
Blind a blind person; Blindly;
Blood n blood; relationship by blood
Blow (blow, blow) v blow; blow
Blue? N & is blue; blue
Ship; boat
Body n body subject
Boring and annoying
A was born; Inborn
Borrow v; borrow
Boss n boss; Head waiter; boss
Pron & ampa have both; both
Bottom n bottom; bottom
Box n box; chest
Boy, boy
Brain brain; intelligence
Break (break, break) v & ampn interrupt; rest
Breakfast n breakfast; breakfast
Breathe; smell
Breathe; send
Bridge n bridge; bridge
Bright one is smart; smart
Bring (bring, bring) v; bring
Brother n; brothers
Brown University. A brown one; Brown; Brown; brown
Brush v & ampn brush; Brush; Chinese brush
Building (building, building) V building; compose
Building n building; multistorey building
Business n business; affairs
Busy a busy; busy
But conj but; exclude
Butter; cream
Buy (buy, buy) v buy; buy
Passed ...; exist ..
Goodbye, inter -j
Cake n cake; cake
Call v & ampn; make a telephone call
N&V. Camping; barracks
Can mode v energy; can
Northern Canada
Cancel v cancel; cancel
Cancer n cancer; cancer
Capital n capital; capital letter
Captain n; captain
Car n car; vehicle
Card n
Caring for v & ampn; pay attention to
Be careful; Meticulous; careful
A careless one; carefree
Carry v; move
Catch (be careful, be careful) v catch
Because ambassador n&v; give rise to
CD n
Ceiling; Ceiling; Ding Feng
Celebrate v; worship
Score n; One percent
Century n century; hundred years
Affirm an affirmation; some
Chair chair
Chairman/female n; Chairman of the board
Opportunity; chance
Change v; change
Sing n & ampv; chant
Cheap A is cheap.
Cheating v cheating; cheat
Check n&v. Check; cheque
Cheers for n & ampv; amp; cheers; Give sb. a warm applause
Cheese n cheese; cheese
Chess; chess
Chicken n chicken; Chicken (as food)
Son (pl. Children) n children; children
China n China
Chinese question and answer. N China people; Chinese
Chocolate chocolate
Choose; select
Select v select
Christmas Day
Circle n & ampv; ring
Applause v & ampn; clap one's hands
Class n class; Class; classmate
Classmate's classmate
Classroom; classroom
Clean a& clean; massage
Clear and clear; special
A clever one; smart
Climb v; clamber
Clone v
Close v & a pass; close
Clothes n clothes; Dress
Club n club; wooden stick
Coach coach n; railroad car
Coast n coast; seashore
Coat; Coat; overcoat
Coffee n coffee; brown
Coin coin
Coke n coke; coke
Cold a & cold
Collection v collection; levy
College n college; university
Color (Am color) n & ampv color; Colour ...
Come (camel, come) come.
Comfort a comfort; comfortable
Ordinary; public
Communication v communication; Dissemination; Communicate by telephone
Communication n communication; Dissemination; Communicate by telephone
Comparison v comparison; contrast
Competition n competition; match
Complete a& Complete; end
Composition n composition; write music
Concert; Concert; concert
Condition n condition; situation
Meeting; discuss
Connection v connection; combine
Considerer v thinks; think
Continue v continue; continuously
Control v control; operate
Talk; Have a dialogue
Cook v & ampn cooking; Chef; boiling
Cooking utensils; Cooking utensils; cooking range
Cool and cool; penetrative
Copy n & ampv copy; copy
Angle n; corner
Correct v & correction; correct
Cost and value. N cost; expense
Cotton & a piece of cotton
Cough & cough
Possible mode v energy; can
Count v calculation; count
Countries n countries; region
Rural areas; village
A pair; two
Courage; Courage; courage
Course n process; way
Cousin n's cousin; Aunt son
Cover n&v. coverage; Complete; involve
Cattle n cattle; cow
Crayon n crayon; crayon drawing
Crazy a is not safe; nuts
Create v preparation; build
Cross v & ampn pass; Crossing; crossroads
Tragedy of cruel A; atrocious
Cry n & ampv cry; Cry; Cry; call out
Culture n culture; accomplish
Cut (cut, cut) v & ampn cutting; incision
Dad (daddy) n dad; father
Daily a, ad & ampn daily; Everyday; Every day; Tiantiandi
Dance v & ampn dance; dance
Danger n is dangerous; threaten
Dangerous; Dangerous; dangerous
Dare to v & aux v dare; brave
Darkness a & ampn Darkness; dark
Daughter n
Day n; Day; sky
If one dies, he dies; dead
The deaf are deaf; deaf
Transaction v processing; deal with
Dear a, dear; dear
Death n death; sabotage
Decision v decision; determination
Decide; Decide; Decision-making; determination
Depth a & ampAd depth; Deeply felt
Degree n; degree
A delicious one; delicious
Dentist; dentist
Dependence v dependence; rely on
Description v description; describe
Desk n desk; desk
Development versus development; exploit
Development; Development; progress
Diary n diary; diary
Dictionary n dictionary; dictionary
Mold v mold
The difference n is different; discrepancy
A different one; different
Difficulty a difficulty; difficult
Difficulty n is difficult; difficulty
Dig (dig, dig) v dig; dig
Dinner n dinner; dinner
Direct a & ampv direct; straight
Direction n leads; aspect
Director n instructor; be in charge of/supervisor
Dirty and dirty; salacious
Discovery v discovery; expose
Discover; Discover; What was discovered
Discussion v discussion; debate
Discussion; Discussion; debate
Disease n disease; acidification
Disc n; vegetables
Dismissal v dismissal; dismiss
Disturb; Disturb; Split
Sub-section v; Division; Except for ...
Do (did, done)v do;; male
Doctor n; doctor
Dog n dog; canine
Gate n; family
Double a & ampn times; Pairing; double;twofold
Doubt n&v. Doubt; Doubt; doubt
Downward advertising and advertising. Alternate; A lower position or level
Downstairs ad is downstairs; downstairs
a dozen
Draw (draw, draw) v; draw forth
Drawer n drawer n; drawer
Dreams, dreams, dreams. N dreams; dream
Wearing n & ampv clothes; Dress; Dress
Drink (drink, get drunk) v & ampn drinks; Drinks
Drive (drive, driven) V drive; driver
Driver n driver; driver
Put down n & ampv fall; decrease
Drugs n drugs; medical science
Drum n drum; empty
Dry v & ampa; dry
female duck
Jiaozi, jiaozi.
During the period of ... ...
Duties; Responsibility; Obligation; accountability
Every a & pronever, every
Early a & ampAd is early; early stage
The northeastern United States. East ad; east
Yi Yi Yi; relaxed
Eat, eat, eat.
Edge n boundary; edge
Work hard; Work hard; Results; try one's best
(hen's) egg
Eight numbers. Eight
Eighteen, eighteen
One eighth
Eight eighty
Either a, conj & ampAd also; Both; Or;
Elder a is older; elder
Electric a electric; electrical
Eleventh, eleventh
There is another one; other
E-mail V. E-mail
Empty a is empty; empty
Encourage v; promote
End the n & ampv terminal; end
Energy n energy; competence
England and Britain; England
English n & an Englishman; British; British
Enjoy the pleasure of.
Enough a & ampAd is enough; all
Enter v to enter; invest
Environment n environment; Outside
Especially ad, especially; special
Northern Europe
Europe a & ampn Europeans; European
Even ad even number; Even if it is
N nights in the evening; evening
Used to; at any time
Everything a has; each
Everyone pron everyone; everybody
One day a day; Every day; Tiantiandi
Everyone pron everyone; everyone
Everything; all
Everywhere; everywhere
Exam = exam n exam; cheque
Examination v inspection; survey
Case n; example
Excellent a excellent; excellent
In addition to preparation, in addition to ...; have only
Excitation v excitation; stimulate
Forgive n & ampv for forgiving; Excuses; Prove legal
Practice v & ampn practice; tactics
Looking forward to v expectation; wait for
Expensive one, expensive one; expensive
Experience n experience; experience
Experiment n experiment; Try it; experiment
Explain v explain; explain
Express v expression; express
Face n & ampv face; face
Facts; reality
Factory n factory; Trade union agency enterprise
Failure v failure
Fairness is a fairness; Expo/Expo
Fall (fall, fall) v fall; autumn
Family n family; domestic
A famous one; famous
Farthest, farthest. Ad is far away; far
Farms; Farms; farm
Farmers farmers; farmer
Fast a & ampAd is fast; rapidly
Fat a obesity; fat
Father n father; ancestors
Favorite a & hobby.
Fear; Fear; worry
Feed (feed, feed) v; hello
Feeling (feeling, feeling) v feeling; feel
Feelings n feelings; mood
Festival n festival; Celebrate happily
Take v; bring
Fever n fever; themogenesis
A few pron & amp very few; hard to come by
Field n field; Field (plural); Field; Domain; field
The fifth num is the fifth; one fifth
Fifty number fifty
Fighting (fighting, fighting) v & ampn fighting; fight
Fill v is full; Full/full/full
Movie n movie; film
Final a finally; finally
Find (found, found) v find; find
Fine a ok sunny; healthy
Complete v completion; end
Fire, fire
The first number, a & ampAd takes precedence; first
Fish, fish
Fisherman n fisherman; fisherman
Suitable for a & ampv; suit
Five numbers, five
Fix v repair; Installation; prepare
Ping n ping; Suite; Residential unit
Floor n floor; ground
Flowers; flower
Influenza n influenza; appendix
Flies 1 (flies, flowers) v flies
Follow, follow
Food n food; food
Feet (pl. Feet) n feet; foot
Prepare for ... ...
Force v forced force
Foreign A is external; external
Foreigners n foreigners; stranger
Forest; forest
Forget, forget.
Fork n fork; fork
Form; Form; Mode; form
Forty forty
Forward and backward advertising; forward
Four numbers. Four.
Fourteenth session
The fourth number is the fourth.
Fox; fox
Release a kind of freedom; free
Freeze, freeze.
Fresh and fresh; fresh and tender
Friendly friendly
Friendship n friendship; friendly
Start from ...
Front line a & ampn is in front; front
Fruit n fruit; fruit
Full; all
Fun; Joy; happy
A funny one; strange
Future n future; future
Game n competition; play
Gate n gate; Lidanmen
General a; ordinary
Gentleman n; Your Excellency/him/her
Geography n geography; geography
Gesture n gesture; attitude
Get (get, get) v; become
Girl \ n girl
Give (give, give) v; show
Joy A is happy; happy
Glass n glass; glass
Go (gone, gone) v go
Goat n goat; erotic
God, God
Gold \ n& piece of gold
Golden yellow; valuable
Good (better, best) A is good; very good
Goodbye (goodbye) interj Goodbye.
Goose, goose
Grandson n grandchild; Granddaughter; grandchild
Granddaughter n granddaughter; granddaughter
Grandma = grandma n grandma; (paternal) grandmother
Grandpa = Grandpa n Grandpa; grandpa
Grandparents or grandparents; maternal grandparents
Grandson n's grandson; grandchild
Grandma; Grandma; Grandma; Grandma (paternal)
Big a is very big; great
Green a & ampn green; green
Greetings n greetings; welcome
Ground n ground; space
Group n; In droves
Growth (growth, growth) v growth; Become; cultivate
Alert; Alert; Defend; protect
Guess v guess; guess
Guest guest
Gun n gun; pistol
Gymnastics = gymnastics n gymnastics; gymnasium
Habit n habit; strange hobby
Half a & ampn half; one half
Hall n hall; restaurant
Ham; ham
Hands, hands
Handsome and beautiful
Handwriting; Calligraphy; calligraphy
Hang, hang
Happy v occurs; have an accident
Happiness is a kind of happiness; happy
Hard advertising & diligent; difficult
Few advertisements are rare; hardly
Hate v & ampn hate; dislike
Yes, yes, yes.
He is, he is.
Head n head; head
have a headache
Healthy n healthy; health condition
Listen (hear, hear) v listen; listen to
Heart n heart; heart
Hot n hot; hot
Heaven n days; god
Heavy and heavy; important
Hello (hi) interj Hello; hello
Help v & help.
Beneficial A is beneficial; beneficial
Hen n hen; hen
Her pron her; she
Here and here
Hide (hid,hidden)v; hide
Gao yi Gao
Hill n hill; The hill
He is quick, he
He pron himself; He personally
His, his.
Hit (hit, hit) v hit; beat
Hobbies n hobbies; avocation
hold(hold,hold)v take; guarantee
Hole n hole; nesting
Holidays; Holidays; Holidays; holiday
Family n & ampAd home hometown
Hometown n hometown; hometown
Operation n operation; homework
An honest person; unbiased
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