Hu Zhi, whose real name is Wende, was born in Shouchun. During the Three Kingdoms period, he was the minister of Cao Wei, and the official went to Jingzhou to make a secretariat and levy a general in the east. Hu's temperament is deep and thoughtful, and he doesn't judge others by his own standards, so he is loved.
Jia Ping died in two years. There is no property at home, only clothes and a bookcase given by the emperor. The military adviser reported to the imperial court and named him Hou Ting of Yangling, a hundred households in the food city. Hou Zhen, posthumous title. His son Hu Weiwei succeeded to the title. In the sixth year of Jiaping, in recognition of Xu Miao, Hu Zhi and Tian Yu's honest and thrifty behavior, the imperial court awarded the memorial, gave Yingke Valley 2,200 yuan and silver 2,300,000 yuan, which was announced to the world.
2. Hu Cheer
Hu Cheer, a military commander at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, first entered Zhang Xiu as a confidant, bravely crowned the three armed forces, and made friends with Jia Xu. After the war in Wancheng, Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao, who liked Hu Cheer's bravery and gave him gold.
Later, because Cao Cao privately accepted Zou, the widow of his late uncle, he was deeply humiliated and wanted to kill Cao Cao. After consulting with Jia Xu, he decided to fight Cao Cao. Considering Dian Wei's bravery, Hu Cheer stole Dian Wei's double halberd. In the end, Dian Wei, Cao Ang and Cao Anmin all died in this battle.
3. Hu Zun
Hu Zun, a native of Linjiang, was a general of Wei in the Three Kingdoms period. In the second year of Jingchu (238), Gongsun Yuan arose, and Hu Zun, at the behest of Sima Yi, defeated Gongsun Yuan, Beiyan, Zuo Yang and other generals.
In the winter and November of Jiaping's fourth year, Hu Zun, the then general of the Eastern Expedition, Wang Chang, the general of the Southern Expedition, and Wu, the general of Zhennan, conquered it. In December of the same year, the battle of Dongxing was defeated by Zhuge Ke, a general of the State of Wu. In the second year, he was promoted to General Wei, and in the first year of Ganlu, he was posthumously awarded as General Riding.
4. Hu Wei
Hu Wei, whose name is "Wu Bo", is a wise man. Shouchun people in Huainan. A famous minister from Cao Wei to the Western Jin Dynasty, the son of Hu Zhi, the general of Cao Wei's crusade. Hu Weiwei encouraged himself to make progress in his early years, and both he and his father were famous for their honesty and prudence. He has served as an imperial consultant and Anfeng magistrate.
Later promoted to Xuzhou secretariat. When I was in office, I was diligent in studying politics, which made the wind of enlightenment prevail all my life. Then transferred to the right general and Yuzhou secretariat. When he entered the DPRK, he served as a minister and captain of the car. He once suggested to Emperor Wu of Jin that the current politics were too loose. From the official to the former general, he oversaw Qingzhou military affairs and was also the secretariat of Qingzhou, which made him tired of sealing Pingchun Hou.
5. Hu Chonghua
Hu Chonghua, the queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, was called Hu in The Romance of Northern History. He received a good education as a child and became a nun in a Buddhist temple as an adult. She studied Buddhism in a Buddhist temple and was proficient in Buddhist scriptures.
In the early years of his reign, Xuan Wudi Yuan Ke was recommended by others and was called to preach in the palace. Xuan Wudi was deeply moved by her beautiful appearance and pure eloquence, so Xuan Wudi made an exception and made her a concubine to serve the left and right. Worship Buddha and dig holes widely, which is the first of all dynasties.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Hu Zhi
Baidu Encyclopedia-Hu Cheer
Baidu encyclopedia-Hu Zun
Baidu encyclopedia-Hu Wei
Baidu Encyclopedia-Hu Chonghua