2. intensive reading. The so-called intensive reading method is to focus on some key articles and read them word by word from the outside to the inside. Cheng Yuan Li Duan said: "Teach each sentence word for word, then understand the meaning of a sentence, then understand the meaning of a chapter, and then continue to work together, so as to kill two birds with one stone." This is the traditional three-step intensive reading method.
It is the most important and basic means to cultivate students' reading ability. Teachers guide students to intensive reading, require students to devote themselves wholeheartedly, mobilize all kinds of senses, and achieve the good habit of thinking and annotating while reading.
3. Speed reading method. The speed reading method is not to pronounce, distinguish or divert attention when reading, but to look at the general situation quickly. This requires students to concentrate and process and digest information quickly in the process of fast browsing. Using the fast reading method, you can get as much information as possible in the shortest time.
If our students can only study hard, it is difficult to adapt to the rapid development of society. Therefore, students are taught to adopt the fast reading method according to their own reading needs.
4. Extract comments. This reading method is to extract relevant words, sentences, paragraphs and even the whole original text according to your own needs, or mark the key and difficult parts of reading, make comments and write comments. As the saying goes, "no pen and ink, no reading." The educational aphorisms, wonderful and vivid words and paragraphs in the article can be extracted and accumulated in the "thesaurus" established by ourselves, which has prepared rich language accumulation for future compositions.
5, three times reading method. The first time is a cursory reading, first I have an impression on the article, and the second time is an intensive reading. Look at it carefully and experience it slowly. The third time means many times.