How to decorate the mourning hall

The layout of the mourning hall is a work that requires care and patience, and many details need to be considered. Only in this way can the deceased get the respect they deserve and their families get the comfort they deserve.

The layout of the mourning hall is generally that the portrait of the deceased is hung above the mourning hall, and the words "sacrifice" or "mourning" are placed under the book, and elegiac couplets are hung left and right to summarize the main achievements or experiences of the deceased. There are many elegiac couplets hanging on both sides of the mourning hall, with different numbers; Villagers also hang sacrifices from relatives and friends on both sides. The more so, the more lively the scenery is. There is an altar in front of the mourning hall with sacrifices, mostly dishes and fruits, and candles on both sides have a high fever; The coffin was placed behind the altar. The layout of the mourning hall pays attention to solemnity, civilization and neatness.

Outside the hall, there is a long table on the left and right, one is a place to receive gifts, and the other is a sign-in desk. During the wake, an oil lamp is lit on the altar of the mourning hall, and it is always refueled to keep it from going out. The number is "ever-burning lamp". Now there are extra-large candles, which can burn continuously for several days, which can reduce the burden of the vigil. It is believed that the more people watch and stay at the wake, the more glorious the bereavement face will be.

The difference between a mourning hall and a cemetery:

1, different functions

Functionally, the mourning hall is mainly used for holding funeral ceremonies for relatives and friends to pay homage to the dead. Portraits or photos of the deceased, as well as sacrifices such as flowers and incense sticks, are usually placed in the mourning hall. Relatives and friends can express their grief and nostalgia for the deceased here. Cemetery is a place where the dead rest in peace. People erect monuments and plant trees here to commemorate the dead. Graveyards are generally located in suburban cemeteries or cemeteries, and the environment is relatively quiet and solemn.

2. Different meanings

In a sense, the mourning hall more reflects people's respect and nostalgia for the dead. In the traditional culture of China, the concepts of respecting the old and loving the young are deeply rooted in people's hearts. Therefore, the layout of the mourning hall is often full of solemn and sacred atmosphere. The cemetery more reflects people's awe and thinking about life. In the cemetery, facing the reality of death, people can't help thinking about the meaning and value of life, so as to cherish the present life more.

3. Different forms

The mourning hall is usually temporary and will be demolished or cleaned up after the funeral ceremony. The cemetery is permanent, and the ashes or remains of the deceased will be buried here, becoming a symbol and inheritance of the family.

Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Tang Ling