What does it mean to have both ability and political integrity?
The voice and appearance of virtue, the virtue is eternal, and the south wind is eternal. Do good in the rain, and the bamboo leaves are immortal. Plum blossoms in the snow will wear the crown of life. Virtue will always be with Gankun, and sound and appearance will always be with heaven and earth. The spirit of eternal life will return to Watts, tears will turn into deep feelings, full of blood and tears, and snowflakes will all wither. Yang Shouquan's national voice and appearance will be filled with tears, his teeth will be red and his reputation will grow. How many people mourn for him? There is a thousand years of filial piety in front of the court, which hurts the world the most. Lonely people float outdoors in sorrow and sadness, and the rain is sad. Wan Li tears, voice and smile lonely. A thousand streams of water let out a cry. Once she came back with a loving mother, and her words were still in my ears. I learned that her grandfather passed away in the past. Deze will never forget that she came back with her mother. Deze is often lovelorn. Lan Baqi walked around on her knees today. Her ancestors went to a typical memorial service, but she was very happy to be in Changchun. Her grandson is like a dull and kind shareholder.