Wang Xizhi's peerless signboard. How to understand what the old woman said "it's all a matter of time, let nature take its course"?

When Wang Xizhi was a teenager, his calligraphy was already very successful. Merchants came to him with an inscription as a signboard, and each word was twelve taels of silver.

One day, a thin old man came to ask questions. When Wang Xizhi saw that his clothes were worn out, he snorted: "My word is twelve taels of silver." The old man turned and left.

Later, Wang Xizhi went to visit friends in the suburbs. When he came back, he found that he was hungry. He saw a jiaozi shop by the roadside, and an old woman with little feet was cleaning the table and collecting vegetables.

Wang Xizhi went in and asked for a bowl of jiaozi. Jiaozi served is thin and stuffed, just like a duckling floating on the water. He took a bite and only felt that his mouth was full of fragrance. Wang asked jiaozi, which is so delicious, why are there so few guests?

The old woman sighed: "This place is remote, with small shops and no signboards." Wang Xizhi asked, "Then why not ask someone to write a signboard?"

"My old man went to town to ask the young man named Wang Xizhi for an inscription. It costs twelve taels of silver a word, and that's all I have." Wang Xizhi recalled the old man.

Unexpectedly, the old woman went on to say, "I don't think Wang Xizhi's handwriting is as good as mine." This sentence made Wang Xizhi very unhappy. He asked angrily, "What's your unique skill?"

Wang Xizhi followed the old woman to the back of the shop, where there was a broken wall, a pot on the other side, and a bag of jiaozi on the wall.

When I saw the old woman bag jiaozi, I picked it and folded it. The wrapped jiaozi threw it over the broken wall without looking, and landed in the pot without splashing a drop of soup. Jiaozi cooked, the old woman put several bowls on the chopping board, then bypassed the broken wall, grabbed the spoon, shook her wrist in the pot and lifted the soup, which fell into the bowl like a milky way over the wall; As soon as the old woman turned over the spoon, jiaozi was lifted up and fell into the soup, forming a whirlpool and spinning. No more or less in each bowl, eight in all. Wang Xizhi opened his eyes wide and immediately fell to his knees with a splash. He wants to learn how to use his wrist properly.

When the old woman heard this, her face turned red: "This is the way of nature." Wang Xizhi had to leave angrily, only to find that he had no money with him. The old woman said, "Why don't you write me a sign?" Wang Xizhi agreed, and Luck began to write down the five characters "Duck jiaozi Store". The old woman answered, "It's much better than Wang Xizhi's writing style and much worse than my old woman's unique skills." Why didn't the guest officer sign the bill? "

Wang Xizhi said with shame, "No one dares to make people laugh and be generous. I will definitely get this clumsy word back in a few years. " After that, I hurried to the door, just in time to meet the old man back. Wang Xizhi quickly hid his face and fled.

From then on, Wang Xizhi studied hard with Mrs. Wei and finally gained something. A few years later, Wang Xizhi returned to the "Duck Foot Shop". The old couple are already white-haired, but their spirit remains the same.

Wang Xizhi spread out the paper, raised his pen, threw the ink in the inkstone into the air, and then the pen caught the ink in the air like a meteor and waved it on the paper. A signboard "shop" was finally completed, and the ink in the air was only a few inches away from the table. Wang Xizhi shook the inkstone left and right with his left hand, and all the ink was sucked in, but there was not a drop on the white paper. This word is like a colorful cloud, which makes people feel unpredictable no matter how you look at it. As soon as this peerless signboard was put up, the old couple's business was full that day, and countless people came to visit.