The difference between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi is that Zhuge Liang is good at governing the country, shorter than using troops, and cautious and steady in military affairs. Sima yi is wily, good at camouflage, and can use protracted war and war of attrition. These two men are rivals in military talent. But in terms of personality and style, it is quite different. Sima Yi is cunning by nature, secretive and resourceful. In addition, judging from the advantages and disadvantages of Zhuge Liang's own conditions, Chen Shou, the author of The Three Kingdoms, said that he was "good at running the army, shorter than intrigue, and his political ability was stronger than his combat ability, so he could not defeat the enemy by working hard year after year."
Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were two military wizards after Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period. Zhuge Liang, a once-in-a-thousand-year-old wise man, ended up as "dead before he could conquer". Although weather, geography and people did not care for him, it did not affect his position in history and the world. Sima Yi, a wily and forbearing man, was born at the right time because of his educated children. The wheel of history pushed him to the forefront and took the opportunity to lay the foundation for the unified Jin Dynasty.
Zhuge Liang (181-23410-8), a native of Yang Du, Xuzhou (now yinan county, Linyi City, Shandong Province), was an outstanding politician, strategist, essayist and calligrapher during the Three Kingdoms period. Sima Yi (179-25 1 September 7th) was born in Xiaojinli, Hanoi County (now wen county, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province), with a ancestral home. Wei was an outstanding politician and strategist in the Three Kingdoms period and the founder of the Western Jin Dynasty.