Who are the famous foreign sinologists?

Name Chinese translation, nationality, date of birth and death, research field

Ferdinand Verbiest Nan Huairen, courtesy name Dunbo, also courtesy name Xunqing. Belgium 1623-1688 Western learning spread to the east (astronomy, calendar, casting Cannon, etc.)

Philippe Couplet Bai Yingli Belgium 1623-1693 Translation and Introduction of Chinese Classical Thought

Michel Boym Boym Poland 1612-1659 Chinese Zoology, Medicine, Cartography etc.

Herbert Franke Germany 1914 - Ancient Chinese history, focusing on the history of Song, Yuan and Mongolia, as well as the history of Chinese literature, culture and frontier ethnic groups

Johann Adam Schall von Bell Tang Ruowang, courtesy name Daowei Germany 1592-1666 The Spread of Western Learning to the East - Astronomy and Calendar

Otto Franke Otto Franke Germany 1863-1946 Mainly studied Chinese history and published the masterpiece "General History of China" .

Richard Wilhelm Wilhelm Germany 1873-1930 Translated Chinese classical classics; studied traditional Chinese culture

Wilhelm Grube Gu Lubai (also translated as William Gu) Germany 1855-1908 Chinese culture and Literature

Wolfgang Bauer Bauer Germany 1930.2.23-1997.1.14 History of Chinese philosophy and thought

Wolfgang Franke Germany 1912— History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; modern Chinese history; modern Southeast Asian Chinese inscriptions Historical Records

Алексей Леонтьевич Леонтиев Russia 1716-1786 Chinese

Василий Павлович Васильев Vasily Pavlovi Chi Vasilyev (Wang Xili, Wei Xiliev) Russia 1818.2-1900.4 Buddhism, Chinese history, geography, language, literature

Илларион Калинович Разсохин (Россохин, Рассохин) Hilarion Carlino Viktor Rosokhin Russia 1707-1761 Chinese

Russian 1821- 1883 Collection, astronomy, meteorology, agriculture, handicrafts

Никита Яковлевич Бичурин(Пичуринский) Nikita Yakovlevich Bichulin (Female name Yakinv, Yakinfu) Russia 1777.8- 1853.5 Chinese language, Chinese frontier ethnic history and geography, Chinese traditional culture

Павел Иванович Каменский Pavel Ivanovich Kamensky Russia 1765-1845 Manxue, Chinese

Peter Yi million Novych Kafarov (French name Bonaidi, Baradi) Russia 1817.9-1878.12 Religion, Chinese language, Chinese frontier history and geography

Сергей Михайлович Георгиевский Sergei Mikhailovich? Georgievsky Russia 1851.10-1893.7 Chinese, ancient Chinese history

Борис Львович Рифтин Boris Lvovich Rivtin (Li Fuqing) Russia 1932.9- Chinese Literature


Владимир Степанович Мясников Vladimir Stepanovich Myasnikov Russia 1931.5- History of Russian Sinology, History of Russia-China Relations

Владислав Федо ович Сорокин Vlad Dislav Federovich Sorokin Russia 1927-Chinese Literature

Лев Николаевич Меньшиков Lev Nikolayevich Menshikov (Menshikov) Russia 1926.2-2005.10 Chinese Classics Literature, Dunhuang Manuscripts

Леонард Сергеевич Переломов Leonard Sergeyevich Beleromov (Ji Liola) Russia 1928.12- Ancient Chinese political history, Confucianism

< p>Михаил Леонтьевич Титаренко Mikhail Leontyevich Titarenko Russia 1934.4- Chinese philosophy, Chinese politics

Николай Трофимович Федоренко Nikolay Trafimovich· Federline Russia 1912.10-2

000.10 Chinese Literature

Рудольф Всеволодович Вяткин Rudolf Vsevolodovich Vyatkin Russia 1910.3-1998.9 Chinese History

Сергей Леонидович Тихвински й Sergei Leoni Dovich Chykhvinsky (Chykhwin) Russia 1918.9- Modern Chinese history, Russia-China relations, Soviet-China relations, modern Japanese history

Donald Holzman Hou Simeng France 1926- Involving ancient Chinese literature , modern Chinese literature, ancient Chinese thought and many other aspects. In literature, the poetry and Yuefu of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties are the most prominent. At the same time, in-depth research has also been conducted on the ethics and moral concepts of the Chinese people.

Edouard Chavannes Emmanuel-Edouard Chavannes, France, 1865-1918 Chavannes was rigorous in his studies throughout his life and had a wide range of interests. He studied Chinese Buddhism, inspected cultural relics and inscriptions, and delved into ancient characters, history of the Western Regions, history of Turks, Chinese geography, Taoism, history of Sino-foreign relations and many other aspects.

Grosier Gruxian France

Chinese history, art and literature.

Henri Maspero France 1883-1945 Ancient Chinese history, Chinese Buddhism, Taoism, Annan language, Annan history.

Jacques Gernet Xie Henai France 1921 - Research on Chinese Social and Cultural History

Jean Francoise Foucquet Jean Francoise Foucquet France 1665-1741 Fu Shengze in China 22-1721), It can be said that he has read a lot of books, including Confucianism, Taoism, various scholars, ancient classics, and recent commentaries. He especially assisted Bai Jin in conducting a systematic and comprehensive study of the "Book of Changes".

Jean Pierre Abel Rémusat France 1788-1832 conducted extensive research on ancient Chinese philosophical theories, Chinese language, and ancient Chinese literature, especially in the field of ancient Chinese novels, with more outstanding achievements.

Joachim Bouvet France 1656-1730 Bouvet is a figure who made outstanding contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and the West in modern times. His most outstanding achievement is the systematic study of the Chinese "Book of Changes".

Joseph de Premare France 1666-1736 Chinese language and Chinese literature.

Joseph-Francois –Marie-Anne de Moyriac de Mailla Feng Bingzheng, France 1669-1748, was proficient in Manchu and Chinese languages. He mainly studied Chinese history and literature. "General History of China" is his achievement in historical research.

Marcel Granet France 1884-1940 Granet used sociological theory and analytical methods to study ancient Chinese society, culture, religion and customs, and was mainly committed to the study of ancient Chinese religion.

Nicolas Trigault, France 1577-1629, involves Chinese politics, history, education, religion, Chinese pronunciation and other aspects.

Paul Demiéville France 1894-1979 Demiéville was knowledgeable, rigorous in scholarship, and had a wide range of interests. He had outstanding achievements in Buddhism, Taoism, Dunhuang studies, linguistics, and Chinese classical literature. He began by studying the Dunhuang Sutras, and then studied Zen Buddhism, Zen poetry, and literati poetry. In particular, his in-depth and detailed review of Chinese classical poetry promoted the development of Chinese literature research in France

Paul Pelliot Paul Pelliot and France 1878-1945 Pelliot was proficient in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Arabic, and Iranian Chinese and other oriental languages. The main research areas are the history of Central Asia, the history of Mongolia, the history of communication between China and the West, especially the history of the spread of Western culture to the east in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

René Etiemble Ai Tianpu France 1909-Chinese and Western cultural exchanges and comparative studies

Rolf Alfred Stein Shi Tai'an France 1911-1999 includes not only Tibet studies, but also Sinology and Oriental studies aspect. His research in the field of Tibetan studies involves folk literature, religion, language, history, culture, geography, ethnicity, society, art, architecture, mythology and customs.

Stanislas Julien Rulian (Julian) France 1797-1873 His research scope is very wide. He also introduced sinology books on Chinese agriculture, sericulture, and ceramics, and translated some Chinese novels and operas. became French.

The Car Pillar Rings the Car Pillar Ring Korea 1920-Chinese Classical Literature and Taoism

Robert Hans VAN GULIK Gao Luopei Holland 1910-1967 Creation of ancient Chinese detective novels; Chinese piano art and calligraphy ; Collection and Appreciation of Cultural Relics

Jaroslav Prusek Jaroslav Prusek, Czechoslovakia, 1906-1980 Prusek’s research on Sinology covers a wide range of topics. He started from the general study of literary materials and literary history. Research, to the induction and raising of some issues, involves the most essential things of literature; he can look at Chinese literature from the mainstream of Asia and even the mainstream of the world; he has shown great interest in the subjectivity and individuality of modern literature ; He is concerned about the relationship between the artistry of traditional narrative literature and readers

Benjamin I. Schwartz American 1916-1999 Modern Chinese history; Modern Chinese intellectual history; Chinese pre-Qin intellectual history

Ezra Vogel Vogel America 1930-Contemporary China and Japan

John King Fairbank Fairbank America 1907-1991 Research on modern China issues, involving China's political system, China's diplomatic history and the United States' China policy etc.

Lawrence J. Lau Liu Zunyi America 1944- Economics

Patrick Hanan Hanan America 1927- Ancient Chinese Literature

Paul A. Cohen Ke Wen America 1934-Modern History of China

Philip Alden Kuhn USA 1933-Modern History of China in the Late Qing Dynasty and History of Overseas Chinese Immigration

Robert G. Henricks Han Lubo USA 1943-Chinese Religion and Thought and Culture< /p>

Samuel Wells Williams Wei Sanfear of the United States 1812-1884 Chinese history and culture (politics, society, religion, economy, literature, writing and many other fields)

Sarah Allan Alan United States 1945-China Mythology, intellectual history and archaeological culture

TuWeiming Du Weiming, USA 1940 - Chinese history, philosophy and Confucian studies

Hatano Taro Hatano, Japan 1912 - Chinese philosophy, language, literature, drama.

Kuraishi Takeshiro Kuraishi Takeshiro Japan 1897-1975 Chinese research, Chinese education and dictionary compilation

Akatsuka Tadashi Akatsuka Tadashi Japan 1913- Chinese classical literature, ancient Chinese philosophy


Watabe Yoshino Watanabe Yoshio Japan 1947- Sociology Anthropology, Folklore, Feng Shui

Fukui Yasujun Fukui Yasujun Japan 1898-1991 History of Chinese Philosophical Thought

Arakawa Kiyohide Arakawa Kiyohide Japan 1949 - Chinese linguistics

Yoshikawa Kojiro Japan 1904-1980 Chinese literature, history

Inoue Yasushi Inoue Yasushi Japan 1907-1991 Ancient Chinese history, China Creation of novels with historical themes

Shikachiwata Shikachiwata Japan 1903-1982 Modern Chinese politics, Lu Xun research, modern Chinese literature research and translation.

Naito Honan Naito Honan Japan 1866-1934 Naito Honan’s research scope is very wide in China studies: from the search, textual research, editing and publishing of rare ancient Chinese historical materials, to the study of the development of Chinese history. He has also made outstanding achievements in the fields of era division, demonstration of the development trend of Chinese culture, analysis and commentary of major events in modern Chinese history, and in the fields of Chinese history, art history, bibliography, Dunhuang studies, Manchu and Mongolian history, etc. .

Aoki Masaji Aoki Masaji Japan 1887-1964 Chinese literature, Chinese opera, Chinese customs

Kano Naoki Kano Naoki Japan 1868-1947 Chinese philosophy history, Chinese literature, opera


Shigeo Matsueda, Japan 1905-1995 Chinese literature research, "Dream of Red Mansions" research, Chinese literature translation

Todo Akiho Todo Akiho Japan 1915-Chinese linguistics research, Chinese education


Tanaka Kenji Tanaka Kenji Japan 1911-Chinese classical literature, Chinese classical opera

Takeuchi Yoshio Takeuchi Japan 1886-1966 Ancient Chinese philosophy

Niijima Chun Liang Niijima Chun Liang Japan 1928-Modern Chinese History

Shiotani Warm Salt Valley Warm Japan 1878-1962 Chinese literature, Chinese opera.

Ito Soupei Ito Soupei Japan 1925-Chinese classical literature, translation and research of "A Dream of Red Mansions"

Takeuchi is good Takeuchi is good Japan 1908-1977 Modern Chinese literature, Lu Xun research

< p>Goran Malmqvist Ma Yueran Sweden 1924- Ma Yueran's achievements in the field of Chinese studies are multifaceted, from the analysis of ancient Chinese grammar and phonology to the investigation of Sichuan dialects, from the translation of Chinese classical novels to the translation and introduction of contemporary misty poetry, his Academic research covers many fields of Chinese linguistics and Chinese literature.

Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren, Swedish 1889-1978 Chinese phonology; dialectology; lexicography; philology; archaeology

Torbjorn Loden, Swedish 1947- Focus on the study of modern China Literary history, ancient Chinese philosophical thought and Chinese history and culture. On this basis, he also specialized in the philosophy of Zhu Xi and Dai Zhen.

Алексей Петрович Рогачев Alexey Petrovich Rogachev (Luo Gaoshou) Soviet Union 1900.1-1981.4 History of Ancient Chinese Literature, Chinese

Василий Михайлович Алексеев Vasily· meters Khailovich Alexeev (Alek) Soviet Union 1881.1-1951.5 Chinese literature (literary translation and literary history), Chinese folk culture (calligraphy, New Year pictures, ancient coins, folk customs, etc.), Chinese (research and Teaching)

Francois Xavier Francis Systematize strategies and highlight their implementability. Xavier's historical achievement lies in establishing a series of principles for the "adaptation" strategy.

Mendoza Juan Gonzalez De Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza Spain 1545-1618 Chinese Cultural History

Harold Zvi-Schifferin Harold Shi Fulin Israel 1922- Professor Shi Fulin’s professional interest has always been Sun Yat-sen and the Revolution of 1911. He mainly studies China’s politics, the development of democratic systems and the experience of governing the country through the study of Sun Yat-sen.

Giuseppe Castiglione Castiglione Castiglione Italy 1688-1766 Western Painting

Martino Martini Wei Kuangguo Italy 1614-1661 Chinese History, Geography and Culture

Matteo Ricci Matteo Ricci Italy 1552-1610 Chinese and Western cultural exchanges, mainly involving mathematics, geography, astronomy, linguistics, etc.

Michele Ruggleri Luo Mingjian Italy 1543-1607 Missionary Sinology

Paolo Santangelo Shihualuo Italy 1943- Professor Shihualuo has long been committed to the study of Chinese history, especially the history of Ming and Qing China. He entered the field of literary history from the socio-economic history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but he did not only study China from the economic basis, but from the " Starting from the study of changes in "emotion", we enter into the core "cultural" consciousness of the superstructure, and strive to theoretically prove the changes in Chinese social consciousness during the Qing Dynasty and its status and significance in the development of Chinese society.

Alexander Wylie British 1815-1887 Introduced Chinese history, culture and technology to the West; introduced modern Western advanced mathematics and other scientific knowledge into China.

Arthur David Waley Arthur David Waley UK 1889-1966 Translation and Research of Chinese History and Culture

David Hawkes David Hawkes UK 1923- Introduction to Translation of Chinese Classical Literature< /p>

David N. Keightley, UK 1932 - Research on Ancient Chinese History

Herbert Allen Giles, UK 1845-1935, Research and Translation on Chinese Language, Culture, Literature

James Legge, British 1815-1897 Chinese history and culture, especially the translation of ancient Chinese classics

Joseph Needham, British 1900-1995, History of Chinese Science and Culture

Robert Morrison Morrison UK 1782-1834 Chinese Studies and Dictionary Compilation