Wang Xianzhi began to learn calligraphy when he was seven or eight years old, and studied under his father. On one occasion, when Wang Xizhi saw that Xian Zhi was practicing calligraphy attentively, he quietly walked behind him and suddenly reached out to draw the brush in Wang Xianzhi's hand. Xianzhi held the pen tightly and was not pulled out. Wang Xizhi praised: "This son should be famous again."
When he was a teenager, he thought his handwriting was very good. One day, he went to ask his father, "Is it good enough to practice my handwriting for another three years?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. His mother shook her head and said, "It's far away!" He offered it and asked, "What about five years?" Mom's head is still shaking. Xian asked anxiously, "How many years will it take to practice good handwriting?" He asked again, "Dad, everyone says your handwriting is good. What's the secret? " Wang Xizhi looked at his son and felt that this kind of calligraphy could not enter the human eye without solid basic skills, so he went to the window and pointed to a row of vats in the yard and said, "You, after writing those eighteen vats of water, you must have a skeleton to stand firm!" Wang Xianzhi was unconvinced and secretly determined to show some skills to her parents.
So he practiced basic strokes every day according to his father's requirements and worked hard for five years. One day, he showed his father his "painstaking efforts". Wang Xizhi made no sound. After reading it, he saw that the word "big" was tight and loose, so he picked up a pen, added a little below it and became the word "too", and then returned all the manuscripts to him. Xiaoxian felt a little bitter and showed all his calligraphy to his mother. The mother pondered it carefully and said with a sigh, "My son has written for thousands of days, and it seems that only one thing is semantic." Look carefully, what a fool! It turns out that this point pointed by my mother was added by Wang Xizhi under the big characters! I am ashamed and feel that my writing skills are far from perfect, so I put myself into my study and study hard every day. Clever Wang Xianzhi is deeply aware that there is no shortcut to writing, only the word "diligence".
I don't know how many days and nights have passed, and his calligraphy has made great progress. Later, he finally became a world-famous calligrapher, and like his father, he was called the "Two Kings".
Hope to adopt