He is the 11th son of Song Shenzong, the younger brother of Song Huizong, and the eighth emperor of the Song Dynasty. During his reign, Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, Wang Fu, Tong Guan, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Cuo, Li Bangyan and other treacherous officials were reused. Plunder the wealth of the people, live a luxurious and dissolute life, and set up an article bureau for the royal family to enjoy. He also looked for exotic flowers and plants everywhere and transported them to Kaifeng, calling them "Huashan Mountain", and built Yanfu Palace and General Palace. His fatuity and extravagance further aggravated social contradictions, and peasant uprisings such as Fang La and Song Jiang broke out.
When Xu Huixin succeeded to the throne, he was opposed by the ministers of North Korea and China. He thought he could not govern the country, but recommended it to the Queen Mother and refuted Song Shenzong's objection: "The first emperor had a taste: Wang Youfu lived a long life and was filial." In the second year of Xu Huixin's accession to the throne, he died as the Queen Mother and was renamed "Zhong Jian Guo Jing". This was the beginning of Xu Huixin's ruling regime, which lasted for 25 years.
He believed in Taoism, called himself "Taoist", built temples, set up 26 officials, and preached Taoist salaries.
Send someone to make a Covenant with the court to deal with Liao.
Jin Jun attacked the Southern Song Dynasty. He came to Zhao Huan and proclaimed himself emperor.