Many girls like to dress up as the beautiful Chang 'e in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Right? It is said that one was shocked on the streets of America? Fairy Chang 'e? It attracted passers-by to stop and admire. Bian Xiao was of course deeply amazed by her. I have to say, the fairy Chang 'e? It's beautiful. From the photos exposed on the Internet, we can see that there is a woman in Hanfu on the street in the United States, with a jade rabbit in her arms and roller skating on her feet. The dance band in her hand flutters with the wind, which is really fairy-like, just like the fairy Chang 'e coming down to earth.
The woman appeared on the streets of the United States and immediately attracted many passers-by. During the period, the woman also distributed moon cakes and embroidered red envelopes to many Chinese, which made Chinese compatriots very moved. What this lady has done is really commendable. She not only promoted our traditional Mid-Autumn Festival culture abroad, but also sent warmth to China compatriots, which can be said to be a very good example. China's history and culture are profound and have a long history. I hope more people will inherit our country's long history and culture like this lady, and let China culture go global.
It is understood that the woman is a woman surnamed Zhou from Sichuan. She is not only very beautiful, but also very warm and kind. She is really beautiful and kind-hearted, and people have to like her. Although I am far away in a foreign country, I still haven't forgotten our traditional festivals. I have brought traditional culture abroad and let more foreign friends feel the culture of China. I hope there will be more people like this lady to convey China's more profound history and culture in the future.