Huizi Xiangliang
Original text
Huizi Xiangliang, Zhuangzi went to see him. Or Huizi said: " Zhuangzi came and wanted to be your prime minister." So Huizi was frightened and searched the country for three days and three nights. Zhuangzi went to see it and said, "There is a bird in the south. Its name is the phoenix. Do you know it? The pheasant is found in the South China Sea. , while flying over the North Sea, it would not stop unless it was a sycamore tree, it would not eat unless it was made of solid food, and it would not drink unless it was a sweet spring. So the owl caught a rotten rat, and flew over it with its hawks. It looked up at it and said, "Scared!" Now I want to use my son's Liang Kingdom And scare me evil?"
Zhuangzi and Huizi were swimming on Haoliang
Zhuangzi and Huizi were wandering on Haoliang. Zhuangzi said: "Minnows travel leisurely, which is the joy of fish." Huizi said, "You are not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?" Zhuangzi said, "You are not me, how do you know that I don't know the joy of fish?" Huizi said, "I am not a fish. He is not a son, and he does not know the son; he is certainly not a fish, and he does not know the complete joy of fish!" Zhuangzi said: "Please follow the source. Confucius said, 'You know the joy of fish.' Now that you know it, I know it. If you ask me, I know what it is like on Haoshang."
1. Huizi met Liang, and Zhuangzi went to see him.
2. So Huizi was frightened and searched the country for three days and three nights.
3. If it’s not the sycamore tree, you won’t eat, if it’s not the spring, you won’t drink.
4. You are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?
1. Xiang, prime minister, is used as a verb here, meaning to be prime minister.
2. Country, capital, capital.
3. Stop, stop, here is the meaning of perch.
4. An, interrogative pronoun, how?
1. Translation
1. Huizi Prime Minister of Liang
Hui Shi became the prime minister of Liang State, and Zhuangzi went to visit him. Someone told Hui Shi, "Zhuangzi came to Liang State to replace you as prime minister." So Hui Shi was very scared, and he went to Liang State to visit him. The capital city was hunted for three days and three nights. Zhuangzi went to see him and said: "There is a bird in the south. Do you know its name? It takes off from the South China Sea and flies to the North Sea. It is not that the plane trees do not live in it, and that it does not eat the fruits of bamboos. , it’s not the sweet spring water that I don’t want to drink. At this time, the owl picked up a rancid mouse, and the bird flew in front of it. The owl looked up and made a "scare" sound. Now you also want to use your Liang Guolai is here to 'scare' me?"
2. Zhuangzi and Huizi were swimming in Haoliang
Zhuangzi and Hui Shi were playing on the bridge of Haoshui River. Zhuangzi said: "The white fish swim so leisurely and contentedly in the river. This is the happiness of fish." Hui Shi said. Said: "You are not a fish, how do you know the happiness of fish?" Zhuangzi said: "You are not me, how do you know that I don't know the happiness of fish?" Hui Shi said: "I am not you, of course I don't know you; you originally It's not a fish. You don't know the happiness of fish, that's for sure!" Zhuangzi said: "Please start from our original topic. If you say 'how do you know that fish are happy', it means that you already know that I know that fish are happy and You're asking me. I found out about it on the bridge over Haoshui River."