The Chu people lived in poverty. After reading Huainan Fang, they learned that "mantis feeds on cicadas and can be invisible", so they picked leaves from the tree-mantis held them and waited for cicadas to pick them. Leaves fall under the tree, and leaves fall under the tree first, which can't be separated. Sweep came back from several fights, with leaves one by one, and asked his wife, "Have you seen me?" My wife always answers "yes" at first, but after a long time, she gets tired and disappears. Well, I was overjoyed, though. Ye enters the market and picks people up from the opposite side. Officials then bound Yixian. When the county magistrate was resigned, he told the whole story again, but the officials just laughed and walked away.
There was a man in the state of Chu who lived in poverty. He once read the book Huainan Fang and saw that it said, "Mantis can cover his body with leaves when spying on cicadas, so he can hide his body in this way." So he leaned down under the tree and picked the leaves-the leaves that mantis made invisible when spying on cicada, to pick it. This leaf fell under the tree, and there were many fallen leaves under the tree, so it was impossible to tell which one was the invisible leaf of mantis. The Chu people picked several baskets of leaves under the tree and took them home. They covered themselves with leaves one by one and asked their wives, "Can you see me?" My wife always answered "I can see" at first, but at the end of the day, she was too tired to stand it and had to lie to him and say "I can't see". The Chu people were secretly happy, carrying the opposite leaves into the market and holding other people's goods in front. So officials tied him up and sent him to the county government. The magistrate interrogated him, laughed after listening to his words, and let him go without prosecution.
1. Chu lives in poverty. After reading Huainan Fang, he came to the conclusion that "the leaves of cicadas such as mantis can be invisible", so he lifted the leaves from the tree-mantis held the leaves and waited for cicadas to pick them. Leaves fall under the tree, and leaves fall under the tree first, which can't be separated. Sweep and fight back-one left himself and asked his wife, "Have you seen me?" At first, my wife always said "yes", but after a day, she was tired and the cloud was "gone". Hey, I'm so happy. Ye enters the market and takes people from the opposite side. Officials [14] then bound Yi [14] county [14].
① Selected from Laughing Forest. Han Danchun, surnamed Handan, a native of the Three Kingdoms, was an official in the matter. Truman, Truman. Chu State, now Hubei Province and its surrounding areas. (2) living in poverty, living in poverty. (3) Huainan Fang, a book about medicine, may not have been handed down. (4) Waiting for reconnaissance. ⑤ Cover your leaves with leaves. Well, it's the same as an obstacle. 6 invisible hidden form, others can't see it. ⑦ Different "No". 8 constantly, all the time. Pet-name ruby after a whole day (meaning a long time). Attending (dà i) cajoling. ⑾ Hey, the same as "silence". ⑿ (j: and) carry. [13] Take people opposite, and take people's things face to face. [14] Official refers to the capacity of counties. ⒂ Go ... [14] County refers to the county yamen.
Revelation: Chu people are greedy and stupid, trying to cover up their misconduct with a leaf. Or a greedy person, blinded by small and local things in front of him, can't see the essence and whole of things.
Irony: greedy fool, trying to get something for nothing, deceiving himself.
Idiom: Chu people are stupid to be invisible. They can't see Mount Tai with idioms.
Brief introduction of the author
Author Han Danchun, calligrapher of the Three Kingdoms Wei Dynasty. Zi Shu was born in Yangzhai, Yingchuan (now Yuzhou, Henan). Something given by the government. Exercise book, all bodies can do it. Yuan Ang's book review called his book: "You should be disciplined. Fiona Fang is successful." In the Western Jin Dynasty, Wei Heng recorded his seal script teacher Facao Xi, and Wang Cizhong, who was good at fine print, took regular script. He also believes that Cai Yong is good at calligraphy and seal, "choosing the right method, the ancient and modern complex, and the leisure is not as good as the spring." He is knowledgeable and good at calligraphy. His three-volume Laughing Forest is the earliest collection of jokes in China. This book is good at mocking stupid jokes, some of which have strong social significance. The books have been lost, and there are only 29 left. Some joke books in later generations were influenced by Xiaolin. He was called the founder of Xiaolin by the later Buddha. Han Danchun, who is good at seal script, is famous. Wei Heng's preface to the ancient prose of "Four-style Calligraphy" said: "Since the Qin dynasty used seal script, the ancient prose was absolutely lost when it was first burned. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Duke of Lu destroyed Confucius' residence and got The Book of History, The Spring and Autumn Annals, The Analects of Confucius and The Book of Filial Piety. At that time, people didn't know there was ancient prose, so they called it a science and technology book, hoping to see it. Wei Chuchuan's ancient prose, son of Han Danchun. Han Danchun made great achievements in calligraphy, and Wei Lue said that he was "good at Cang, elegance, worship, seal cutting and ostentatious decoration". Unfortunately, its ink is long gone. He is knowledgeable, versatile, proficient in exegetics, and good at writing "Insect Seal" and eight-part official script. I was once valued by Cao Cao. In Wei (222), the official was a doctor, and he gave things. He was awarded a prize by Wei Wendi for his ingenious and precise work "Fu for Throwing Pots". He wrote three volumes of Laughing Forest, which was increased to 10 in the Song Dynasty. The original book has been lost, but it has a certain position in the history of China literature.
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