On October 12th, Shao Shengyuan, my youngest son Sue and I went to Baishui Temple to soak in hot springs. The water is very hot, and its source is estimated to be enough for cooking. Go east along the mountain, a little north, and there is Baizhang Waterfall. There are eight or nine bends in the mountain, and each bend has a pool. Where the pool is deep, tie a stone with a rope and fall five feet, but it can't reach the end. The water in the pool splashed like snowflakes and sounded like thunder, which made people happy and surprised. There are dozens of huge footprints halfway up the mountain, which are probably the traces of the so-called Buddha. In the evening, we walked back along the route, and the sunset seemed to be burning mountains, which was very spectacular. Or bend over or look up at these valleys. When I reached the river, the moon came out, the river was beating, and my hands were holding jasper-like water. It was the second watch when I got home, and Su Guo and I had another drink. Eating olive vegetables, looking back at my own shadow, I feel inexplicable sadness, and I can't sleep anymore. Write these words down and give them to you. The title of Dongpo Ji [edit this paragraph] is similar: roughly follow: along the direction: look back.
There are dozens of giant marks on the water cliff, so-called Buddha marks.
There are dozens of huge footprints on the edge of the cliff, which are probably the traces of the so-called Buddha.
The words snow, thunder, anger, joy and fear write down the wonders of the waterfall. What do you think is good?
To write about the wonders of the waterfall, we only need to write about the shape, color, momentum and feelings of the waterfall in four words: "Snow splashes thunder and anger, which is gratifying and awesome".
The above was written by Su Shi after he was relegated to Huizhou. How does the author express the poet's attitude towards life by describing strange mountains and strange water?
The author is in adversity, but he doesn't sympathize with him. He poured deep feelings into strange landscapes and expressed an open-minded and optimistic attitude towards life. (the meaning is right. )