Teaching the emperor to learn books > full-text translation and evaluation of Wang's works?

During the reign of Song Taizong, a man named Wang Zhu studied Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and soon grasped the essence of it, and was appointed as an academician by Emperor Taizong. When Taizong was in the imperial court, he liked to practice calligraphy. Several times, he asked the chamberlain to take his own work for Wang Zhu to comment, but every time Wang Zhu said it was not good enough, so Taizong practiced more attentively. Emperor Taizong once again asked his attendants to ask Wang Zhu with his new words, and Wang Zhu's answer was still the same as at first. Someone asked Wang Zhu's intention, and Wang Zhu said, "The emperor's calligraphy is already very good, but if it is said that it is well written at once, I am afraid that the emperor will never be as diligent as before." After that, Tang Taizong's calligraphy was exquisite, surpassing many famous calligraphers before, and the world said that it all benefited from Wang Zhu's encouragement.