According to New Tang Book, Lu Yu was born in Jingling, Fuzhou. I don't know if it was born, or it is said that monks won the waterfront and livestock. Since it is a long story, I learned it from Yi, and I gradually got it from Jane, saying, "Hung-chien was born on land, and his feathers can be used as tools." It was named after Lu.
When he was a child, the teacher taught him to write plays. He replied, "You are a fresh brother and have no heir. How can you be filial?" The teacher was angry, and it was difficult to get rid of the dung, so he was allowed to herd cattle for 30 years, and feather diving painted the back of cattle with bamboo. I can't understand Zhang Heng's Du Nan Fu, but if it becomes a recital, the teacher will arrest it and make it rough. When he recited the words, he wondered if there was any legacy, but he didn't do it later. The master whipped a whip hard because he sighed, "The years have passed, but I don't know this book!" Crying, because of death, hiding as a superior, making a thousand words of humor. During the Tianbao period, Zhou was born and raised, a feather musician in the official department, and a satrap, Ricky, changed his mind and gave books to Huomen Mountain. Ugly, stuttering and argumentative. If you are kind to others, if you are at home, if you have met others, you will be embarrassed. My friend is at home, and he is going to do something. People suspect that he is angry. With people, rain, snow, tigers and wolves will not avoid it. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he lived in seclusion in Tiaoxi, calling himself Sang Weng and writing books behind closed doors. Or walk alone in the wild, recite poems and hit the wood, admire dissatisfaction, or return with tears, so it is called today's explanation. After a long time worshipping Taizi Yu literature, he moved to Taichang Temple and did not take office. At the end of Zhenyuan, he died.
Yu loves tea and has written three classics, saying that the origin, methods and equipment of tea are specially prepared, and everyone knows how to drink tea. When drinking tea, in the appearance of Tao Yu, it will be enshrined as the tea god. Bears always exist. Because of the feather theory, they have made great contributions to tea. Li Jiqing, an ancient physician, went to Jiangnan to preach and teach to dispel doubts, and came to Huaihe River for the second time. Knowing that Xiong Bo was good at making tea, he called him. Before Xiong Bo lifted the cup, Qing Ji lifted it again. There are feather recommenders in Jiangnan, call them, put them in wild clothes and bring them with equipment. Qing Ji was rude and ashamed of his feathers, so he wrote "On Destroying Tea". After that, tea became popular, and when it entered North Korea, it began to drive Ma Shi's tea.
According to New Tang Book and Talented Persons Biography of Tang Dynasty, Lu Yu was abandoned because of her ugly appearance, and was abandoned in the 23rd year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (AD 735). Lu Yu was only three years old at that time, and he didn't know who his parents were. Later, it was picked up by the abbot of Jinling Longgai Temple and the monk Zhiji Zen Master on the shore of the local West Lake. It was adopted by the local Longgai Temple and the Buddhist monk Jigong outside the west gate of Tianmen County, Hubei Province. Autobiography of Ruben is a biography written by Lu Yu at the age of twenty-nine, with high credibility. He wrote in his autobiography: "I don't know who has the appearance of Zhong Xuan and Yang Meng in the word Hung-chien;" Like stuttering with Ziyun. "The Jigong was named after the Book of Changes and took the divination of" gradual ". Divination said, "Hung-chien was born on the ground, and his feathers can be used as tools.". So according to the hexagrams, his names are Lu, Yu and Hung-chien. Or to put it another way, Lu Yu's name is quite conscious. According to legend, in his later years, Lu Yu took the Book of Changes as his own environment, saying, "Hung-chien is on the ground, and feathers can be used as tools, which is also auspicious. "It means that the swan goose is in the sky, there are avenues in all directions, two feathers are dancing, and the action team is neat and orderly, which is a good omen to follow. According to this divination, Lu Yu, who had no name at that time, gave himself a name, namely Lu, Yu and Hung-chien. This seems to show: this is cheap, but it is the arrogance of heaven; From parents, like heaven. Lu Yu learned to read Chinese, recite Buddhist scriptures, and learn to make tea with yellow scrolls and chimes. Although living in the pure land of Buddhism and hearing Sanskrit every day, Lu Yu was unwilling to convert to Buddhism and cut his hair and become a monk.
When he was nine years old, Master Zhiji once asked him to copy the scriptures and recite the Buddha, but Lu Yu asked, "A disciple is born without a brother and dies without an heir." Confucianism says there are three kinds of unfilial, and there is no queen. Can monks be called filial piety? And openly said: "Yu will give Kong Sheng's text." . The abbot was very angry, so he punished him with heavy "cheap work" and forced him to repent and turn back. Lu Yu was sent to "sweep the temple, build a monk's toilet, build a mud wall, build a tile house, and herd cattle with one hundred and twenty hooves". Instead of being discouraged and giving in, Lu Yu became more eager for knowledge. He learned Chinese characters without paper, and used bamboo to draw cattle backs as books. Occasionally, he won Zhang Heng's Du Nan Fu. Although he didn't know its words, he sat in danger and read aloud. After learning about it, Jigong was afraid that he would be influenced by foreign classics and lose his education. And put him in a temple, let him cut flowers and let the elders take care of him.
In a blink of an eye, Lu Yu 12 years old, feeling that the sun and the moon in the temple are hard to cross. He unexpectedly escaped from Longgai Temple, learned acting in a troupe and became an actor. Although he is ugly and stutters, he is humorous and plays the clown very successfully. Later, he wrote three volumes of jokes.
As the saying goes, Renji has his own nature, and Lu Yu is no exception. In the fifth year of Tang Tianbao, Richie, the satrap of Jingling, saw Lu Yu's outstanding performance at a state party, and appreciated his talent and ambition very much. He immediately gave him a book of poems and recommended him to study in Zou Fuzi, who lived in seclusion in Huomen Mountain. In the 11th year of Tianbao (AD 752), Cui, a doctor of rites, was demoted to Sima Jingling. That year, Lu Yu said goodbye to Master Zou. Cui and Yu met, and they often walked together, drinking tea and talking about poetry and papers. In the fifteenth year of Tianbao, Lu Yu went to Bashanxia and Sichuan to inspect tea affairs. Before leaving, Cui presented a white donkey, a black cow and a letter from Wen Huailai. Along the way, he went to Ma's place to pick tea on every mountain, and met the crystal water in the saddle under the spring. He was busy watching, visiting and writing down pens, and his nib was full. In the first year of Gan Yuan, Tang Suzong (AD 758), Lu Yu came to Shengzhou (now Nanjing, Jiangsu) and lived in qixia temple to study tea affairs. The next year, I lived in Danyang. In the first year of Shangyuan in the Tang Dynasty (AD 760), Lu Yu came to Tiaoxi (now Xing Wu, Zhejiang) from the foothills of Qixia, lived in seclusion in the mountains and wrote the Tea Classics. During this period, I often walk alone in the wild, go deep into the farmhouse, pick tea, find springs, evaluate tea, or recite scriptures and poems, hit trees with a stick, run water with my hands, and hesitate. I cry every time it gets dark. People call it "Chu Kuang meets jade".
He was once worshipped as a prince's literature and served as Dafu of Taichang Temple, but neither of them took office.