What is Wang Hua's kind quality?

Wang Hua was the number one scholar in Zhejiang during the reign of Emperor Yingzong in the Ming Dynasty, a great calligrapher and a descendant of Wang Xizhi. At the age of six, he swam and played by the river with a group of friends. At this moment, a drunk came to the river with a suitcase. He sat down by the river and began to wash his feet slowly, muttering something. Wang Hua thinks this man is very interesting, so he pays great attention to him when playing.

After washing his feet, the man stumbled away. Wang Hua came to the place where the man had sat and suddenly found that the man's handbag was still on the ground. He forgot to take it with him. Wang Hua stood up to look for the man, but he had disappeared.

Wang Hua thought, maybe this handbag is useless. It was thrown away on purpose, so he went over and opened it. This startled Wang Hua, and there were dozens of taels of silver in it. So much money, it must be that the man can't remember it at the moment and forgot it when he got up and left.

Thinking of this, Wang Hua estimated that the man would come back for it when he woke up, so he stayed by his pocket and waited for the man to come back.

However, Wang Hua is still not at ease. What if someone sees this handbag and tries to take it away, or even murder it for money? Later, he thought of a way to throw the bucket into the water so that no one could see it. He is still sitting by the river, waiting patiently.

After a long time, my friends were tired of playing, and they all shouted back to each other. Only a little man was sitting by the river, waiting for the man who forgot his bag.

After his friend left, the man really came back with a sad face. After asking about the situation, Xiao Wanghua jumped into the water, took out his pocket and handed it to him.

The man opened his pocket and found the silver still in it. He took out a silver ingot and handed it to Wang Hua to thank him. Wang Hua shook her head and said, "I don't want so much money." Why do I want your money? "

Knowing that he underestimated the child in front of him, the man apologized again and again. Later, I followed Wang Hua to his home, thanked Wang Hua's family one by one, and left with tears.

In the face of money, between gains and losses, we often see a person's character and moral conduct, which is actually related to a person's happiness and happiness. Xiao Wanghua's excellent qualities of not taking advantage of petty gain, not being greedy for money, and being considerate of others wholeheartedly are really worth learning by modern people.