First, you should choose the right clothes. If you go to the seaside to take photos in midsummer, you should wear a long skirt with soft and elegant texture of silk, mulberry silk, chiffon or organza. This kind of dress is light and has a drooping feeling, and it will immediately highlight the noble and elegant temperament. The style of the skirt can be determined according to your figure, preference and style, or loose version, or big waist, or fishtail skirt, or beach skirt. Solid colors have their own characteristics. Personally, I prefer the long white dress by the sea.
Whether going for a walk to enjoy flowers, wheat fields, glaciers and snow scenes, whether it is grass by the river, beach by the sea, mountain paths, rural fields or urban streets and deep alleys, we should choose long skirts with different textures and styles according to the changes of seasons, different backgrounds, color combinations and the needs of pictures. When it's cold, it's still nice for a woman to wear a trench coat outside a long skirt.
Secondly, we should choose good weather, blue sky and white clouds are the best, and long skirts are most needed to take pictures on windy days, so that the breeze can gently blow up your hair and long skirts. In the photo, you are walking along the beach, overlooking the bar, facing the sea, or standing on the street. The fluttering long hair and dress will make you look more elegant and chic.
Thank you for inviting me: I will talk about the simple collocation in summer, how to make little girls wear dresses so colorful and chic, and all kinds of new suspender dresses in the new era: round neck: V-neck: square collar: floral strapless: silk: silk: lace mesh and other styles. In summer, dresses make girls wear rich sexy curves, and elegant long skirts will make you beautiful and unique. It also highlights the beautiful curves of beautiful women's fullness and sexiness, and has the charming charm of little girls. In a summer with a long skirt, you can wear so many charming and unique charms in a long skirt. When traveling in summer, you can photograph the chic and unique elegance of beautiful women wearing skirts. Go into the fitting room and see how beautiful women wear long skirts in summer. 1: floral suspender dress, sexy beauty in street shooting, beautiful bag on her shoulder, coat in her hand, sexy beauty in crazy street shooting, wearing suspender red dress, beautiful bag in her hand, hair floating, smart phone in her hand, sexy and plump beauty, a red suspender dress, a sun hat and sunglasses, beautiful bag on her shoulder, and hands. It can also capture the fashionable and chic charm of beautiful women. 2. Wearing a round neck printed tulle dress, sun hat and sunglasses, a sexy and plump beauty is taking pictures at the seaside, wearing a burgundy V-neck short-sleeved dress, a sun hat and a beautiful bag. A sexy and plump beauty is taking pictures smartly, and two beautiful women are wearing red: two different cardigans, blue shoulders, beautiful bags, wearing sunglasses and floating hair, walking in the street to take pictures. Three different combinations, wearing fashionable, sexy, chic and unique beauty, wearing a dress with more elegant and unique charm, 3. Wearing a medium-colored skirt with suspenders, wearing a sun hat, flowing long hair, holding a lotus flower, a plump, sexy and beautiful beauty posing while taking pictures, wearing a black gauze skirt with suspenders and a sun hat, with flowing hair, a plump and sexy beauty with beautiful curves. Holding a wallet and a mobile phone, a sexy and plump beauty is taking photos in three different styles, which highlights the plump and sexy curve of the beauty and worries about beauty. It has the lovely charm of handsome beauty and cool and simple collocation in summer, which makes a plump and sexy beautiful and unique appearance of a beauty more fashionable and sexy in summer, a unique style of beauty fashion and sexy, and an "elegant waist-length skirt" can be photographed.
Skirt shooting is a common shooting style in fashion photography, but there are many kinds of skirts, such as long skirts, short skirts, miniskirts, waisting and confiscation, skirts and skirts, etc. Classification standards are different, so classification is called differently.
Personally, I think this is very critical and the most basic point. If the skirt itself is not designed with elegant features, can I take pictures? Of course not.
To design an elegant skirt, we should not only have lines and elegant feeling in style, but also have a feeling of lightness and flying in material, including the pattern on the skirt.
■ A model's posture should have a dynamic beauty.
The characteristics of fashion can only be expressed by the movements and emotions of fashion models. Therefore, in order to capture the elegance of the skirt, the pose of the model must be designed according to the characteristics of fashion, such as stepping forward and smiling back, and the posture should be dynamic to show the dynamic and elegant beauty of fashion. If you put on some quiet movements, it will definitely not work.
The common shooting method, with the help of external force, lifts the skirt and presses the shutter at the moment when the skirt is put down. Of course, the shutter speed should be fast enough. Also, with the help of wind shooting, when the skirt is blown away by the wind, you can also shoot the feeling of the skirt floating.
There are various methods. According to the actual shooting situation, choose the appropriate shooting mode and shoot the desired visual effect.
If it is indoors, there is a big hair dryer and someone helps throw the skirt.
The location can be in a windy place, just shoot in the afternoon! At this time, capture is very important.
Find a windy day, choose a suitable scene, choose a long skirt with soft texture, and I will ask my friend to help me finish the feeling that the skirt floats when I press the shutter.
Just like Monroe, an unexpected snapshot!
Don't hang the pictures taken indoors, but hang them outdoors in a windy place. Hang it higher and it will float. Just curious, why take a long skirt?