In the Book of Songs, there is "_ pool flows northward and soaks in rice fields." "This is the Zhou Dynasty, and people have mastered the cultivation technology of rice and achieved high yield by draining and irrigating rice fields." "Put your hand in the field and you will see the water in the sky. Six clean roads are roads, and retrogression is progress. " Hou Liang signed a poem about transplanting rice seedlings by monks in the Five Dynasties.
The most beautiful golden sentence is "retrogression is progress." "The retrogression of the transplanter is to fully understand the technology of paddy field planting, but know that it will get faster and greater benefits, so his retrogression is an inevitable working step for paddy field harvest. But the philosophy of this poem is that such hard and backward planting is to achieve perfection in autumn, which is another kind of progress. So in life, if you have a full grasp of one thing and make concessions in the process, it is also a step towards success.