Mencius met Liang. Wang Li is on the marsh, and Gu Hongyan is an elk. He said, "Are saints happy about this?"
Mencius said to him, "A saint is happy when he has it, and a saint is happy when he has it. Your deer is dying. King Wen takes the people's power as the platform of the swamp, and the folk music is called the platform:' Time will be lost [14]? Give my life and die with my daughter ⒂: e, the son of Shu Ren came [6]. The common people were attacked (3), and in a few days (4), Bai Niao crane ⑽, Yu Jiyu jumped ⑿. Baidu so that they can be happy. [13] yue: Wang zailing (⑾)/zhidao/pic/item/08f790529822720e2e2e2f7ccb046f21fab33.jpg "target =" _ blank "title =" class. Although there are birds and animals in the pool, how can a person have fun? “& lt/p & gt; & ltp & gt& lta href = " & gt
6ug | posted on 20 16-05-28 19:46 comments.
2. The original classical Chinese "Mencius Liang Wang Hui (below)" See "Liang Wang Hui" by Mencius.
Wang Li is on the marsh, and Gu Hongyan is an elk. He said, "Are saints happy about this?" Mencius said to him, "A saint is happy when he has it, and a saint is happy when he has it. The poem says:' After the beginning of Lingtai, Shu Ren attacked the Jingtai camp, which lasted for several days.
Don't be anxious from the beginning, the common people will come. Wang Zailing, Rufen Fuyou, Rufen Zhuozhuo, Bai Niao Crane.
Wang is in Lingnuma. He jumps into the fish. King Wen takes the people's power as a marsh platform and folk music, calling it a mausoleum platform, and its marsh is a mausoleum, with elk, fish and turtles.
The ancients enjoyed themselves with the people, so they could enjoy themselves. Tang Shi swears: "Time is a disaster. Both the donor and the daughter are dead.
People want to die with them, although there are birds and beasts in the pool, why enjoy themselves? Liang Huiwang said: "I am a country and I am loyal to it. If Hanoi is fierce, it will move its people to Hedong and its millet to Hanoi.
Hedong is also fierce. People who observe the politics of neighboring countries have no intention like me.
There are no more people in neighboring countries, and there are no more people in my country. Mencius said to him, "The king is belligerent. Please use the analogy of war. Replenish drums, weapons company, abandon armor.
Or stop after a hundred steps, or stop after fifty steps. What if the pot is too black? "said:" no; If you don't walk a hundred steps straight, you will walk. "
He said, "If Wang knew this, there would be no hope of more people than those in neighboring countries." "If you don't go against the farming season, the valley can't take food; If you don't count, neither fish nor turtle can be eaten. Axe gold gets into the mountain in time, and mywood can't be used.
Valley and fish turtles can't be eaten, and trees can't be used, which makes people lose their lives and have no regrets. Keeping in good health and dying without regret is the beginning of kingly way.
"Five acres of house, the tree to mulberry, fifty clothes. Chickens, dolphins and dogs are all domestic animals, so there is no time to waste. Seventy people can eat meat.
A hundred acres of land, if you don't seize the opportunity, a family of several can be hungry. I sincerely hope that the godson of the cult will be filial, and the winners will not be on the road.
Seventy people eat meat, clothes and silk, and the Lebanese are neither hungry nor cold, but they are not kings and have nothing. "Dogs eat people endlessly, and they don't know how to send them when they are hungry; When people die, they say,' It's not me, it's age.
Why is it different from stabbing and killing people? Say,' It's not me, it's a soldier.' The king is innocent, and the people in the world are heavy. "
3. China ancient Mencius * Hui Liang Wang Xia (excerpt) (1) See Mencius ①, saying: "Violence is seen in Wang ②, and Wang's words delight in violence, but violence is not correct." Say, "What are you happy about?" Bao Zhuang came to see Mencius and said, "I was summoned by the King of Qi, who told me that he loved music. I have nothing to answer him." Bao Zhuang asked, "How about loving music?" Mencius said, "If you are very happy, Qi will be fine!" Mencius said: "(If) the King of Qi loves music very much, I'm afraid there will be hope for the State of Qi!" One day, I saw the king say, "What did the king say about Zhuangzi's enjoyment?" One day later, Mencius was received by the King of Qi and asked, "Is it true that your King of Qi once told Bao Zhuang that he loved music?" The king turned pale and said, "I can't enjoy my predecessor's music, but I can enjoy secular music." King Qi (embarrassed) changed his face and said, "I don't like the music of ancient kings, but I just like secular music." Yue: "If you are very happy, it will be as vulgar as it is! The joy of today is also the joy of ancient times. " Mencius said, "Your Majesty loves music very much. I'm afraid Qi will have hope! Music now is like ancient music. " He said, "Can you hear me?" King Qi said, "Can you tell me the truth?" Yue: "Who is happy, alone or with others?" Mencius asked, "Which is happier, enjoying music alone or enjoying music with others?" Say, "Don't be with others." King Qi said, "I don't enjoy happiness like others." Yue: "Who is happy with fewer people and who is happy with more people?" Mencius asked, "Which is happier, enjoying music with a few people or enjoying music with many people?" He said, "If you don't follow the crowd." King Qi said, "Unlike many people who enjoy happiness together." "I please for the king. Today, the king likes to play drums here. When people heard the king's bells and drums, they noticed the drums. They looked up and told them with a frown:' My king's good drum music, how can my husband make me so extreme? Father and son don't meet, brother and sister are separated. "Today, the king is hunting here. When people heard the sound of the king's horses and chariots and saw the beauty of feathers, they all looked up and said,' My king is good at hunting. Why did my husband make me so extreme? Father and son don't meet, brother and sister are separated. "There is no other way, and people together is not fun. Mencius said, "Please allow me to talk about music for you. Suppose the king is playing music here now, and the people are worried and frowning when they hear the sound of the king's bells and drums and the tune of the flute. They said to each other,' Our king loves music. Why should we suffer so much? Father and son can't meet each other, and brothers and wives are separated. Suppose the king is hunting here now, and the people hear the king's chariots and horses and see the flags waving. They all have headaches and frown and say to each other,' Our king likes hunting, why do we have to suffer so much? Father and son can't meet each other, and brothers and wives are separated. "There is no other reason. This is because we are not satisfied with the people. Today, the king likes to play drums here. When people hear the king's bells and drums, they care about the sound of drums. They were happy and told each other,' My king is seldom ill, how can he enjoy drumming?' Today, the king is hunting here. When people heard the sound of the king's horses and chariots and saw his beautiful feathers, they happily said to each other, "My king is seldom ill. How can he hunt here?" There is no other way but to play with the people. Today, if the king enjoys happiness with the people, he will become a king. Suppose the king is playing music here now, and the people are very excited and jubilant when they hear the sound of bells, drums and flutes. They say to each other,' Our king may not be sick, otherwise how can he play music?' Suppose the king is hunting here now, and the people are excited and beaming when they hear the king's horses and chariots and see the gorgeous flags. They said to each other,' Our king is probably not ill, otherwise how can we hunt? There is no other reason for this, just because I am happy with the people. If the king can live happily with the people, he will be the king of the world. "
【 Notes 】 ① Bao Zhuang: Minister of Qi. ② Wang:. ③ yuè: the name of ancient wind instruments. It is as short as a flute. 4 tips: tips, tightening; Bridge of nose. Frown and describe a sad face. ⑤ Feathers: The bird feathers and oxtails used by the ancients as decorations on flags can be called flags.
4. For the translation of Mencius Liang (below) in classical Chinese, see Mencius ①, saying, "Violence is seen in Wang ②, and Wang's words delight in violence, but violence is not correct." Say, "What are you happy about?" Bao Zhuang came to see Mencius and said, "I was summoned by the King of Qi, who told me that he loved music. I have nothing to answer him." Bao Zhuang asked, "How about loving music?" Mencius said, "If you are very happy, Qi will be fine!" Mencius said: "(If) the King of Qi loves music very much, I'm afraid there will be hope for the State of Qi!" One day, I saw the king say, "What did the king say about Zhuangzi's enjoyment?" One day later, Mencius was received by the King of Qi and asked, "Is it true that your King of Qi once told Bao Zhuang that he loved music?" The king turned pale and said, "I can't enjoy my predecessor's music, but I can enjoy secular music." King Qi (embarrassed) changed his face and said, "I don't like the music of ancient kings, but I just like secular music." Yue: "If you are very happy, it will be as vulgar as it is! The joy of today is also the joy of ancient times. " Mencius said, "Your Majesty loves music very much. I'm afraid Qi will have hope! Music now is like ancient music. " He said, "Can you hear me?" King Qi said, "Can you tell me the truth?" Yue: "Who is happy, alone or with others?" Mencius asked, "Which is happier, enjoying music alone or enjoying music with others?" Say, "Don't be with others." King Qi said, "I don't enjoy happiness like others." Yue: "Who is happy with fewer people and who is happy with more people?" Mencius asked, "Which is happier, enjoying music with a few people or enjoying music with many people?" He said, "If you don't follow the crowd." King Qi said, "Unlike many people who enjoy happiness together." "I please for the king. Today, the king likes to play drums here. When people heard the king's bells and drums, they noticed the drums. They looked up and told them with a frown:' My king's good drum music, how can my husband make me so extreme? Father and son don't meet, brother and sister are separated. "Today, the king is hunting here. When people heard the sound of the king's horses and chariots and saw the beauty of feathers, they all looked up and said,' My king is good at hunting. Why did my husband make me so extreme? Father and son don't meet, brother and sister are separated. "There is no other way, and people together is not fun. Mencius said, "Please allow me to talk about music for you. Suppose the king is playing music here now, and the people are worried and frowning when they hear the sound of the king's bells and drums and the tune of the flute. They said to each other,' Our king loves music. Why should we suffer so much? Father and son can't meet each other, and brothers and wives are separated. Suppose the king is hunting here now, and the people hear the king's chariots and horses and see the flags waving. They all have headaches and frown and say to each other,' Our king likes hunting, why do we have to suffer so much? Father and son can't meet each other, and brothers and wives are separated. "There is no other reason. This is because we are not satisfied with the people. Today, the king likes to play drums here. When people hear the king's bells and drums, they care about the sound of drums. They were happy and told each other,' My king is seldom ill, how can he enjoy drumming?' Today, the king is hunting here. When people heard the sound of the king's horses and chariots and saw his beautiful feathers, they happily said to each other, "My king is seldom ill. How can he hunt here?" There is no other way but to play with the people. Today, if the king enjoys happiness with the people, he will become a king. Suppose the king is playing music here now, and the people are very excited and jubilant when they hear the sound of bells, drums and flutes. They say to each other,' Our king may not be sick, otherwise how can he play music?' Suppose the king is hunting here now, and the people are excited and elated when they hear the king's horses and chariots and see the gorgeous flags. They said to each other,' Our king is probably not ill, otherwise how can we hunt? There is no other reason for this, just because I am happy with the people. If the king can live happily with the people, he will be the king of the world. "
【 Notes 】 ① Bao Zhuang: Minister of Qi. ② Wang:. ③ yuè: the name of ancient wind instruments. It is as short as a flute. 4 tips: tips, tightening; Bridge of nose. Frown and describe a sad face. ⑤ Feathers: The bird feathers and oxtails used by the ancients as decorations on flags can be called flags.