When Pang Juan went down the mountain to draw water, he heard passers-by say that Wei was looking for a wise man to visit him. He was very moved and wanted to find Wei. Guiguzi noticed it at once and said to Pang Juan, "Your luck has come. Why not go down the mountain and get rich? " A word in the middle of Pang Juan's arms, ask this proud. Mr. Guigu asked him to pick a mountain flower for divination, and Pang Juan was ordered to go down the mountain to look for flowers. However, it was June and the flowers were in full bloom. Pang Juan found that there was only one grass flower, so he uprooted it. But on second thought, this flower was weak and not a great tool, so it was thrown to the ground. I went to other places to look for it, but strangely, there were no other flowers. I had to turn around and hide what I had in my sleeve and answer that there were no flowers in the mountains. Guiguzi smiled and asked him what was in his sleeve. Pang Juan can no longer conceal, take out the grass flowers in the sleeve and present them. However, this flower has been away from the soil for too long and has withered by half. Guiguzi saw this flower and said with a smile, "The name of this flower is Ma Ling, with twelve flowers, which is the number of years you spent in Rong Sheng. Picked in the valley of ghosts, it will wither at the sight of the sun, and the ghost Committee will be Wei, saying that Wei must be your proud place. " Pang Juan secretly amazed. Guiguzi continued: "But you cheated others first, and you will be bullied again in the future, so you must quit." I have eight words to keep in mind: I am proud when I meet a sheep, and I am embarrassed when I meet a horse. " Pang Juan accepts.
At that time, Pang Juan didn't know what these eight words meant.
Pang Juan left Guiguzi and later went to Wei. First of all, he went to Xiangwangcuo's home and talked with Wangcuo about the art of war. Wang Cuo was very interested and recommended him to Wei Huiwang. When Pang Juan entered the DPRK, he was just catching up with Wang Wei for dinner when a steamed sheep came up. Pang Juan was very happy because Mr. Wang said, I am proud to meet a sheep. It seems that it's time to make a fortune from now on, and sure enough, he has been rising all the way.
Later, as we all know, Pang Juan was introduced into Maling Road by Sun Bin and set an ambush in the ravine. Pang Juan also died under the disorderly arrows, which is the language of "meeting a horse and dying".