Weicheng District Tang Wang Weicheng is raining and dusty, and the guest room is green and willow-colored. Sincerely advise friends to drink a glass of wine, and it is difficult to meet their loved ones when they go out to Yang Guan in the west. Cheng Wei Qu was originally a seven-character quatrain written by Wang Wei, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, when he sent his friends to the frontier fortress. It describes a most common parting, with no special background, but a strong feeling of parting, which makes it suitable for most people to sing at farewell banquets and become the most popular and enduring ancient song.
Weicheng Qu is a famous farewell song, which was later incorporated into Yuefu and widely read and became a famous farewell song. Or "Yangguanqu" or "Yangguansan Brothers".