When Zhu was the editor of the secret cabinet, he once visited his daughter and son-in-law. Unfortunately, the son-in-law Shen Cai went out and was kept by her daughter for dinner. When eating, my daughter looked at the onion soup and wheat rice on the table, and her eyes were full of tears. Zhu had already seen his daughter's mind, so he said in awe, "It is our good family style to tighten our belts." After dinner, he wrote a poem for his son-in-law: onion soup, wheat and rice are all suitable, and onion supplements wheat to satisfy hunger. Don't say the taste is weak, it's not too late to drink in the village. When Shen Cai came back, he was deeply moved to see his father-in-law advocating frugality, so he posted this poem on the wall as his motto.