This year, Emperor Qianlong took Ji Xiaolan, Xiao Shenyang and other officials to the south of the Yangtze River. One day, a group of people entered Zhejiang. Ministers have different opinions about where to live that night. Small Shenyang advocates living in a palace by the West Lake, while Ji Xiaolan advocates living in Shenyang by the Jianhu Lake in Shaoxing.
Shenjia is one of the largest families in Shaoxing, and its Shaoxing wine is famous far and wide, and the locals used to call it "Shenjia wine". Gan Long finally took Ji Xiaolan's advice and decided to stay in Shenyang. In the evening, Shenyang hosted a banquet in Jianhu Lake to entertain the monarch and subjects of Gan Long, and naturally "Shenyang wine" was indispensable. The next day, Gan Long visited Shaoxing and was deeply moved. He wrote Shaoxing Fu:
Jianhu spring comes early, and the pavilion shakes the water. How famous is the restaurant since ancient times?
Since then, Shenjia Liquor has been given a new name "Jianhuchun" by the imperial court, and was named as Gongjiu.