The four kings are: Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Yi and Wang. Supported by the royal family, it is the orthodoxy of painting circles in the early Qing Dynasty. The four kings stressed the need to abide by the pen and ink methods of past dynasties, made a lot of notes to imitate the brushwork of XXX, and the rules and regulations were basically conservative. Although there are occasional portraits of mountains and rivers, the brushwork is also engraved with a certain composition or brushwork to show authenticity.
The four monks are Jian Jiang, Kun Can, Ba Da and Shi Tao. Eight of them became monks first, but later, because of the attempted anti-Qing riots, they could not continue to become monks, so they changed their channels, so three monks added one (Badashanren), and some of them were called three and a half monks. The four monks are all good at landscape painting, emphasizing direct expression of feelings in their creation and opposing past ignorance. They don't stick to the old method in art, but have made innovations in brushwork and ink method, which provides reference for later landscape painting creation. The great freehand brushwork of Badashan people has influenced generations of flower and bird painters, and it still has great enlightenment and reference.
Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics are basically flower and bird painters, which has nothing to do with this topic. In addition, comparing them with the experiences of "Impressionism" and "Fauvism" abroad is really incomparable, which is basically a different aesthetic basis and viewpoint. In addition, the "strangeness" of the Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou did not leave the pen and ink foundation, but still adhered to the aesthetic foundation of China's painting. People who don't know Chinese painting probably didn't think of it or really didn't think of it. ?
In addition, it is not appropriate to compare the four heavenly kings to today's paintings. The so-called line drawing refers to the lack of pen and ink skills and having to follow the gourd painting gourd ladle. The pen and ink skills of the four heavenly kings are far beyond people's reach, otherwise they will not win the praise of the ruling and opposition parties as authentic. It was the painters who came back from studying western painting after the founding of New China that really began to belittle the Four Heavenly Kings. In fact, how to treat the four heavenly kings is still a question worth discussing.
Extended data:
In Qing dynasty, literati painting dominated the painting world, and landscape painting and ink painting were popular. More painters pursue the interest of pen and ink, astonishingly innovate art forms, and many schools of different styles have emerged. The landscape flower-and-bird paintings of Zhu Da and Shi Tao in the early Qing Dynasty, the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" in the middle period, the flower-and-bird paintings of ladies in Ren Bonian and Wu Changshuo in the late Qing Dynasty, as well as Yangliuqing, Taohuawu and folk New Year pictures all had a great influence on later generations.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Qing Dynasty