Cui Hao, named Boyuan, was from Qinghe and the eldest son of Xuan Bo, the Duke of White Horse.
When he was young, he was fond of literature. He read extensively classics and historical works. He understood the study of celestial phenomena, yin and yang, the five elements, and hundreds of schools of thought. He studied the profound meanings of classics. No one could compare with him at that time. Ren Zhilang was about twenty years old. During the Tianxing period, he served as secretary of the province and was changed to a writer. Taizu often placed him around him because he was good at calligraphy. In the later years of Taizu, the punishments were very harsh. Most of the courtiers in the palace were convicted for minor offenses. No one did not avoid hiding to avoid the current events. Cui Hao was alone in reverence and diligence, and sometimes he would not go home all day long. Taizu appreciated him and often ordered his porridge to be given to him. He is fair and upright, taking the current situation as his own responsibility, and does not change his ethics due to difficulties.
He is like this.
In the early years of Emperor Taizong's reign, he served as a doctor to offer wine and was given the title of Wuchengzi. He often taught scriptures to Taizong. Whenever the emperor went to the countryside to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, and father and son came together to attend the dynasty, people at the time thought it was a very honorable thing. Taisai liked the study of yin and yang, and when he heard Cui Hao's explanation of the Five Elements in "Book of Changes" and "Hong Fan", he thought it was very good, so he ordered Cui Hao to use yarrow to divine good and bad luck, observe celestial phenomena, and solve difficult problems. Cui Hao assessed the relationship between Tiandao and personnel and grasped the key points. His judgments often came true. He often participated in the plans to unify the army and govern the country, and was very popular. At that time, there was a rabbit in the harem. When he asked the gatekeepers, they all said that there was no place to enter the harem. Taizong felt strange and ordered Cui Hao to deduce that it would bring disaster. Cui Hao believed that it was a good sign that a neighboring country would contribute a concubine. The next year, Yao Xing really donated a woman.
In the second year of Shenrui, the autumn grain harvest was poor. Taishi ordered Wang Liang and Su Yuan to make speeches through Princess Huayin and others, saying that based on the prophecy, the country should establish Yeshan as its capital and enjoy happiness for fifty years, and persuaded Taizong to move the capital. Cui Hao and Te Jin turned to Zuo Shi and said: "Now that the country's capital is moved to Yecheng, it can save this year's famine, but it is not a long-term solution. People in Shubu Prefecture often think that the country is in a vast desert land, regardless of humans and animals. There are so many of them that they are said to be as numerous as cattle. Now some people and animals are left in the old capital and moved south. I am afraid that they cannot spread all over the land of various states. They are in the jungle and are not accustomed to the water and soil. If epidemic diseases occur and people are killed or injured, things will be exposed. It makes the people depressed. When the neighbors know,
there will be contempt, and Qu Bei and Wei Wei will definitely come together to attack. Yunzhong and Pingcheng will be in danger. There are thousands of miles between Hengdai and Hengdai. They want to rescue, but it is difficult to arrive, which damages both their reputation and reality. Now in the north, if there is an unrest in the Taihang Mountains and Cambodia, Qingqi goes south and demonstrates in places where people gather. Who knows how many soldiers and horses there are? The people look away. This is a good strategy for the country to conquer the Central Plains with force. In the spring, there will be plenty of cheese and vegetables, and if there is a moderate harvest, the problem will be solved." Taizong thought that what they said was very correct. , said: "These two people are the only ones who agree with me." He also sent favored ministers to ask Cui Hao and Zhou Dan: "Since we can barely survive until next autumn, what will we do if there is no harvest next autumn?" Cui Hao and others replied: "You can choose poor people to go to the prefectures and counties with a lot of grain to eat. If there is a famine next autumn, I hope to find ways to deal with it. But you can't move the capital." Taizong followed the suggestion and sent the people to the three prefectures east of the Taihang Mountains. To get food, they released grain from the official warehouse and gave it to them. There will be a bumper harvest next year.