Attachment: Preface to "On the History of the Song Dynasty" written by Jie Xisi for Wang Yue
The biography says: The five emperors had different joys, and the three kings did not pay tribute to each other. The sage does not hate the same but loves the different. He is powerless. Therefore, the sage adheres to the scriptures to achieve the Tao, and the gentleman establishes his career according to the current situation. The scriptures have a certain position, the power is unpredictable, and the news changes with the times. Knowing this, we can understand the past and present and control the affairs of the world.
The prince of Daliang, a scholar of Jixian University and an envoy to the Privy Council, observed the gains and losses of the pre-Confucian theory of history, and must be responsible for the affairs of the five emperors and three kings. This is the "Tongjian" of Sima's "Historical Theory of the Dynasties" , a copy of Chen Jun's "Chronicles of the Song Dynasty" was compiled as "On the History of the Song Dynasty", with tens of thousands of words. Don't be too lofty, but seek practical truth; don't be rich in rhetoric, but seek truth and meaning. By adhering to the scriptures and attaining power, one can obtain the meaning of "Yi" at any time; to reveal the good and depose the evil, there is the method of censure in "Spring and Autumn". Therefore, we should be respectful to the ancients and serve as lessons for the future. The "Lun on the Song Dynasty" is especially detailed.
It is said that Taizu's victory in conquering the world is no different from that of the previous generations. Those who were able to build up Zuo in the Tang Dynasty and succeed Yao's rule established the country with benevolence and established education with Confucianism. This is also a great Taoism. What I deeply regret is that Taizu did not have Lou Jing's ministers, and Taizong had Lu Huan's behavior; Shenzong was the first to use Wang Anshi to unveil the deep roots of the decline in the Song Dynasty; Zhezong appointed Zhang Dun, and Huizong appointed Cai Jing, which caused the extreme humiliation of the relocation; Emperor Gaozong was the leader of the ZTE, but Li Gang and Zhang Jun were deposed. Zongze was worried about his death. Yue Fei was killed when he saw it. Huang Qianshan, Wang Boyan, and Qin Hui's disciples gathered together to march forward. They became more secretive, refused peace talks, and gave up the chance of recovery. Enjoy the banquet and settle down in poverty, forgetting the great shame of your ancestors; Xiaozong was not a strong leader, so he only talked about the Northern Expedition; Ningzong's illness was blamed on Zhou; Lizong was established, and his virtue was far away, and all kinds of evils gathered together, so good people are like the sun. Disappear, ignore the conspiracy of lips and teeth, steal the beauty of Fuyu; tame to save the clan, return power to the Tao, deceive the king and defeat the country, and eventually fall. The disaster of the three parties is caused by three changes. The poison of the four evils is followed by the five ghosts. Recalling the feelings of a villain, mourning the death of a gentleman. After reading it for thousands of years, I feel like I am sighing with tears in my eyes and sighing forever.
As for its family laws, regulations, talents, and cultural relics, the Tang Dynasty was weakened and the Han Dynasty was humble; If Wang Qinruo collects wet grains, controls drought and rents, and relieves the culprits, Lu Huiqing controls Western Xia, and Ding says that the economic system is applied to Guizhou. Even though he is a villain, he still has something to gain. Zhao Pu repaired his personal grievances, Han Qi assassinated Yiyong, Sima Guang was promoted to assistant, Fan Chunren restored young men, Liu Zhi and others discussed mediation, Wen Yanbo and Lu Dafang returned to the river, Kou Zhun recommended Ding Wei, Zhang Jun suppressed Li Gang, killed Quduan, and led others Qin Hui, although a gentleman, still has regrets. If this is the case, it cannot be forgotten. All of them are out of the public thoughts and opinions, and they stand on the surface of justice and righteousness. As the saying goes, "it is not easy for me to say that the saint has risen again."
Woohoo! Reading poetry and books but not knowing the principles of power and the appropriateness of the times, Confucius said: "Although there are many, it is still a joke!" The husband's country thrives on virtue, and declines on flattery; the king relies on loyalty and security, but avoids danger. Since ancient times, people have always been enlightened. With his official literature, crafts, talents, and instruments, he was straight from the inside to the outside. He cared about the country as much as he cared about his family. He served in five dynasties, held the position of two palaces, and became famous for fifty years. He was still entrusted by the legacy of his loyalty and wisdom. These empty words will make future generations of emperors and ministers of the world know what they are doing, and those who wrote the book in the Song Dynasty also had some compromises. Although, today, those who look to the public should stop doing this! Dare to write the preface to "Song History".