Why was Wang Xizhi laughed at by Xie An when he opposed the talk?

Intellectuals of that era seemed to be idle all day, chatting around Zhuangzi and Laozi every day; Or do something that is suspected to be unreliable. For example, Ruan Ji drove his own car and ran aimlessly. When he saw that there was no road ahead, he sat on the ground and cried. For another example, Wang Huizhi sailed to see his friend on a snowy night, and finally arrived at his friend's house at dawn, but turned around and returned without entering the door. And so on. It can be said that from the emperor to the literati, the whole dynasty was filled with the pursuit of a happy life. At that time, some people began to worry, the most famous of which was Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher and mayor of Huiji. One day, Mayor Wang made an appointment with his good friend, another big star and future prime minister Xie An, and boarded the tower together, pointing to the great rivers and mountains in the distance and said, I think, just like Dayu in Xia Dynasty and Wang Wen in Zhou Dynasty, let's get down to business! We Jin people only know how to get together and chat, and like to travel around. How can we win at this rate? "Xie An smiled after hearing this:" I only know that the Qin Dynasty was finished after only two generations of emperors. Is it also because of chatting? Dude, don't be sick. " In this era, people you like like will die, and people you hate will hate. One summer after one thousand years, Lu Xun made that famous speech in Guangzhou, entitled "The Relationship between Wei and Jin Manners and Articles and Medicinal Liquor". In Lu Xun's view, celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasties were actually greatly wronged. Although they are degenerate on the surface, their inner world is very depressed. Later, works about Wei and Jin dynasties came out one after another. Tang Yongtong's Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Zong Baihua's New Stories and Beauty of Jin People, Luo Zongqiang's Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties and Scholars' Mentality, Yu Dunkang's Metaphysics History in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Tang Yiming's Talks on Wei and Jin Dynasties and Tian Yuqing's Eastern Jin Dynasty are the most impressive. Among them, Mr. Zong Baihua believes in his works that Jin people are natural and unrestrained and do not stick to things. They experience nature with ethereal mind and metaphysical meaning, and are clear and empty, establishing the highest crystal clear artistic conception.