Lu You was born in the Southern Song Dynasty and experienced the shame of Jingkang. His master is Wang Anshi, and we all know that Wang Anshi is a very effective prime minister. He advocated Wang Anshi's political reform, and Lu You studied under Wang Anshi. It can be said that his poems and calligraphy are excellent in politics, but his attempts are not smooth. At first, he was ostracized by Qin Heng. Later, the hawks were rejected by the pacifists. Finally, he resigned and lived in seclusion in the mountains, and never went out again after his death. Lu You's "Shizi" only expresses his hope that after his death, if the Southern Song Dynasty recovers lost ground and returns to the Central Plains, his children will tell him the news.
The poem "Shizi" is all about expressing one's hope that the Southern Song Dynasty can send troops to recover lost territory. The first two sentences are: Lu You knows that his time has come, but what makes him sad is that the Southern Song Dynasty has not recovered the Central Plains and can't see the grand occasion of the day of recovery. Lu You is looking forward to the future, imagining that we have recovered the Central Plains. He also told his children that if we have recovered the Central Plains, we must tell him the news. This poem mainly shows Lu You's desire and ambition to recover lost land.
There was an Anshi rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, and the shame of Jingkang in the Song Dynasty. Poets in these two periods are very sad. At first, they all sang romantic and prosperous scenes, but in a blink of an eye, they turned into writing about people's hard life and expressing patriotic feelings.