Principal Wang and I have never had any interactions, neither close nor acquaintances. However, I occasionally heard a colleague mention that the former principal in Changcun attached great importance to calligraphy and art classes, so Principal Wang Yucheng’s Exists only in my ears. I never thought that Principal Wang would be mentioned again today, but now. A good principal with beautiful educational sentiments, great thoughts and courage has truly "died". With the arrival of the link to Huixian Education Circle, everyone got to know Principal Wang Yucheng better. It really makes everyone feel a little overwhelmed inside.
"The Analects of Confucius": Zi Lu came in, and Confucius said: "Yu, what is a benevolent person like?" Zi Lu said to him, "A benevolent person makes others love themselves." Confucius said, "He can be called a scholar." Zigong came in, and Zi Lu said He said: "Gift, what is a benevolent person like?" Zigong said to him, "A benevolent person loves others." Confucius said, "He can be called a scholar and a gentleman." Yan Yuan came in, and Confucius said, "Hui, what is a benevolent person like?" Yan Yuan said to him, "A benevolent person loves himself. Confucius said: "You can be called a wise gentleman."
Sometimes I find it strange that I have read this passage in "The Analects" before. In fact, it was just based on Confucius' method of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude." I just thought about it from a different perspective. I just saw the link "In Memory of Principal Wang Yucheng" posted by the principal. I really don't know why, but suddenly I remembered this. Seeing everyone inside and outside the group "sighing", one can't help but feel sad again...
Suddenly, I remembered this passage in "The Analects of Confucius: Benevolence". When several disciples filed in, Confucius one by one When asked about "What is a benevolent person like?", Zi Lu, who was a little reckless, Zigong, who was a little talented, and Yan Hui, Confucius' favorite example of a good student, answered this question. Among them, Yan Hui said, "The benevolent man loves himself." Of course, the ancient Chinese meaning of self-love cannot be equated with the modern Chinese meaning. Probably "the benevolent love themselves" means that generous and kind people should know how to love themselves. In fact, I feel that a person really should not overtax his body, he should keep himself healthy, and he should cherish his life. Develop your own character on this basis. Only by "self-love" can you "love others". Only when you are good to yourself can you possibly protect the people you want to protect. Just like the vast solar system, with its own balance and completeness, it gave birth to the nine brilliant planets.
I casually opened another book "Cherish" written by my second grandfather. He often said: "Do your best and obey fate." After many years, I seem to have almost understood what he meant. A person who can realize that his life will not be long in this world is relieved by his relatives and his own optimism... Suddenly, I seemed to see my second grandfather's trembling hand holding a pen and trying his best to complete his work. During the period when the disease occurred, he refused chemotherapy, refused all visits, and locked all his relatives outside the ward to prevent anyone from disturbing him. Does the second grandpa really not miss his relatives? No. He just wants to race against time to finish his book. He just wants to comfort his relatives in this way, so that his descendants can understand the ups and downs of life and learn to bravely accept any impermanence in life, even death. In this way, he wrote furiously at the last moment, and with an elegant gesture, he perfectly framed the last moment as he stayed up late at night reading and writing at his desk...
There are so many amiable and respectable educators, Didn’t it say that good people will have a safe life? I would like to pay tribute to the many dedicated and outstanding principals in the beautiful *** city, as well as the educators who work day and night in various positions.
The deceased is gone. We sigh as we walk on the road of education, and we will continue to cherish it...