Macro has no talent and is called Jizhou prodigy. The animal husbandry in Jizhou and Furong is open and respectful. Yang worshipped as an assistant minister and led Jizhou to handle affairs. An ordinary thing happened. I went into a friend's office to fix it. If it is broken, it will not be delayed. Fu was created as the Prince Sheren. Don't talk about your mother's illness, and don't. Zuo Qian's works, Zuo Lang. Everyone in Haoxuan, Taiyuan knows Hong Youcai, which is unprecedented in modern times. Take refuge in Qilu rebel generals Ding, Zhao and Jin. Haoxuan sighed and said, "When you meet Sri Lanka, you won't fly with the elk because of the cyclone. Don't you hesitate? "
His history is famous for Shang, Cheng and Levin. Integrity, although his state is chaotic, his wife is hungry and cold, because he is independent in his studies and doesn't care about assets.
Murong Bao Road, Wu Zhi City, Zhongshan City. Leave the county for the seaside. The emperor knew his name and asked. Having said that, I thought that Assistant Ministers Huang Men and Zhang Yan wanted the switchboard and created this system. The Jin envoy came to hire, and the emperor reported it, and the company was appointed to discuss the name of the country. He said: "The names of the five emperors of Huang San either came from their native land or were in the name of sealing the country. So Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou were all governors. Over time, this title is worn out, but it is no longer established. It's just that merchants migrate frequently and change their names to Yin. But we still have to do things at the same time, and the original base will not be cancelled. Therefore, this is the meaning of the cloud "Journey to Shang Dynasty" in the Book of Songs. Although this country unified the vast land in the north, it was recognized by your majesty and was born. Although it is called the old country, it is called the new country. So at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic, he changed his name to Wei. Murong Yong also works in Vito. The company is famous for being superior to the country and is the touchstone of revolution and interests. Take Wei as the number. " Axel, hence the name Wei.
The emperor thanked him and asked for a story. If the macro responds to the flow, then the emperor is good. After returning to Hengling, the emperor kissed the top of the mountain to comfort the couple. When he met Hongfu's old mother climbing the mountain, he got cows and rice. Because the immigrants could not enter by themselves, they were given chariots and cows. Transferred to the official department minister. He was ordered to formulate the system of official titles, write musical instruments of dynasties, arrange music, and make laws, which were banned by Shenke and cut down by Hongzong, and he thought it was eternal. Buy eight doctors and eight seats. Thirty-six people in the macro department, Cao and other orders, servant system. Win trust and lean towards the court. Self-sufficiency, no industry, a home with four walls; Go out without a car, step on the gas. Mother is seventy years old and has no heavy burden. The more important and strong the smell of the emperor, the more you give. People may also despise their over-contracting, but more macro housing. I often ask about the past and present, the imperial system, the body of the ancients, the theory of revitalizing the previous generation, and the rules and regulations. Please don't please the main idea. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty