Reference translation
At that time, people regarded roasted beef heart as the most noble food, and the guests here have not eaten it yet.
Full translation
p>Wang Xizhi, also known as Yishao, was the second son of Situ Dao. Wang Xizhi was not good at talking when he was young, so people did not think he was strange. When he was thirteen years old, he went to visit Zhou Yi. After seeing him, Zhou Yi felt that he was different. At that time, people regarded roasted beef heart as the most noble food. Before the guests could eat it, Zhou Yi cut a piece of beef heart for Wang Xizhi to eat, and then his name was known to people. When he grew up, he was very eloquent and was praised for his upright and upright character. He was especially good at official script calligraphy and was the best in ancient and modern times. Commentators praised his writing style, saying that it floated like floating clouds and was vigorous like a thundering dragon. He won the respect of his uncle Wang Dun and Director Wang. At that time, Chen Liu and Ruan Yu had a high reputation and were Wang Dun's chief clerk. Wang Dun once said to Wang Xizhi: "You are a good boy in our family. You should be no worse than Master Ruan." Wang Yu also regarded Wang Xizhi, Wang Cheng and Wang Yue as the three most promising children of the Wang family. At that time, Taiwei Xi Jian sent his disciples to ask Director Wang for a son-in-law. Director Wang asked him to go to the east wing to observe the children of his descendants one by one. Xi Jian's disciple came back and told him: "All the sons of the Wang family are good, but they were a little reserved when they heard the messenger arrived. Only one of them was eating with his stomach exposed on the east bed, and he seemed not to have heard it." Xi Jian said: "This is exactly the son-in-law I want!" When I asked later, I found out it was Wang Xizhi, so I married my daughter to him.