Wang Xizhi tasted it at his disciple's house and saw that the fěi was slippery and clean. Because of the writing, it was half the same as the real grass. Later, his father accidentally scraped it off, causing his disciples to be frightened and annoyed for days. I also saw an old lady (mǔ) in Ji (jí) Mountain holding a hexagonal bamboo fan and selling it. Xi's book "Fan" has five characters each. Grandma had color at first. Because he said to his grandma: "But this is a letter from Wang Youjun, asking for a hundred coins." As grandma said, people bid for it. The next day, grandma came again holding a fan, but Xizhi smiled but didn't answer. His books are valued by the world, and they are all in this category.
Wang Xizhi once went to the home of one of his disciples and saw a smooth and clean wooden table, so he wrote on it, half in regular script and half in cursive script. (These words) were later scratched out by the disciple's father by mistake. The student was upset for several days. He once saw an old woman selling money with a hexagonal fan in Jishan. Wang Xizhi wrote five words on each side of the old woman's hexagonal fan. The old woman began to feel a little unhappy, so Wang Xizhi said to the old woman: "(You) just need to say that this is written by Wang Youjun, and you can sell it for about a hundred yuan." The old woman did as he said (do it), People are rushing to buy this fan. Another day, the old woman came again with a fan. Wang Xizhi smiled but refused. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is admired by the world, just like these things!