Zhu Xian 2, how did you get the magic weapon waterinfo? Be more specific, thank you.

On the floor of 1, jade tubes are accessories, not magic weapons. The landlord said it was the magic weapon of 135 Lieshan Sect, right?

You need to collect 12 pieces of magic weapon "Soul of Luoshui" to exchange it for the magic weapon of Luoshu with the envoys from Lieshan.

There are two ways to get the spirit of waterinfo:

1. Every day, the sect violence task force dances wildly, with a team of at least three people. Then today, the sect world will form a team of more than three people, such as Yin Tian as the captain. Yin Tian will take over the mission and then go to Gengetsu Cave to kill the source of anger. When it is finished, a sect fragment will be given immediately, sometimes not. In short, it is not recommended, and it is very dangerous and easy to die.

2. Hanging in Gengetsu Cave, monsters will be random and violent. You don't need to hang this yourself slowly. Some people often hang up on Gengetsu's. The world can ask those people to collect the fragments of the spirit of waterinfo. You can get 12 pieces to exchange the magic weapon Luo Shu. The magic weapon accessories in Gengetsu caves are also random and violent. There are 25 jade tubes and auxiliary hallows in the secret realm, each of which is collected and exchanged by Qu Shen's fairy workers.