What is the evaluation of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy in history?
When Wang Xizhi was a child, he learned the Yuan Bo Post written by Uncle Wang Yu and Mrs. Wei. By the age of 40, his Cao Zhang was comparable to Zhang Zhi's. Later, he created a pleasing and convenient new body. From his later years to Huiji, the art of calligraphy reached its peak, leaving many exquisite calligraphy works. Commenting on his book, Liang Wudi Xiao Yan said: "This word is very powerful, like Yue Long going to the sky and the tiger lying in the phoenix pavilion." "Look at this slow-fire work," said Emperor Taizong. "It is beautifully cut, and the smoke is about to drip, even if the shape is broken. The phoenix is like a dragon, and the trend is oblique and straight. " Sun said that in his later years, he wrote: "Don't be too excited, don't be too strict, and follow the rules." . Some people say that his handwriting can be "incisive". In a word, his writing is powerful, diverse, charming and interesting.