Who is the story of the calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

Wang Xizhi

At that time, the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor was very surprised when he carved. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and brushwork actually penetrated into the wood for more than three points. He praised: "The words of the general of the right army are really incisive!" Later, it was used to describe the vigorous brushwork of calligraphy. Metaphor analysis is very insightful. Zhang Tang said that Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, wrote on the board, and the engraver found that the ink of the handwriting penetrated into the board three minutes deep. Later, it was used to describe the vigorous brushwork of calligraphy, and also to describe the profound and accurate opinions and arguments. The language book Shuocymbals (Volume 87) quotes Shu Duan Wang Xizhi from Zhang Huaiguan in the Tang Dynasty: "Wang Xizhi's book is a blessing book, which is carefully cut and incisive.