Wang Anshi, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, is good at poetry and prose, and loves to collect treasures from his study. In order to please this important court official, a local official specially sent a precious inkstone to his door, and kept praising this precious inkstone in front of Wang Anshi. Hearing this, Wang Anshi smiled and asked him, "Even if you carry water, it can be worth geometric traction." The man was ashamed and speechless, so he had to put away his precious inkstone and get up and leave.
Li Taihou in Ming Dynasty: When he was the imperial examiner, he presided over the imperial examination in Fujian for one year. Late one night, an intercessor sent a heavy bag of gold and asked him to bend the rules, which was immediately rejected by Li Taihou. He also wrote a poem about refusing to accept bribes: "The source of righteousness and benefit is quite true, and gold can't buy a corrupt Confucian heart. Mo Yan, who is ignorant at night, should know that Gankun has ghosts and gods. " During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Boxing became the governor of Jiangsu. At the beginning of his tenure, he published an ingenious official motto "No feeding": "One grain is one grain, my Lord: a penny is the essence of the people. One point wider, one more point for the people; Take a penny, I'm worthless. Who knows how to communicate? Shame really hurts. If it is not ill-gotten gains, how can this thing be held? " In this way, he benefited himself, was honest and self-disciplined, never broke his oath, and enjoyed the reputation of "the first honest official in Jiangnan" in history.
Shi Shi: At that time, he was a famous honest official, and people compared him to. His deeds are widely circulated among the people, especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Shi Gong Case tells the story that he solved difficult cases, punished bullies and saved innocent people with the help of the chivalrous Huang Tianba. Shi Gong traveled all over Jiangsu: in Jiangdu (now Yangzhou City), he captured the nine emperors and his aunt Zhu Qi, the scum of Buddhism, and captured the bully Guan Sheng alive; At Tianjin Pass, the struggle between Suzhou boatmen and Hangzhou boatmen was quelled; In Xuzhou and Suqian counties, Zhang Guilan and Hao Qiluan were captured; In Muyang County, capture Lang Rubao alive; In Ganyu County, the fake magistrate Mao Zhihu was executed; In Haizhou, break the luoma lake village and hold the head of the water thief; In Huai 'an, He's wife killed her husband, and Feder announced her daughter, killed the thief and killed the bully.
Yu Qian: He was an outstanding politician, strategist and supervisor in Ming Dynasty. He attaches great importance to honesty and self-discipline. During Xuande's reign, when he was transferred from the governor of Henan Province to Beijing as an assistant minister of the Ministry of War, Henan aides advised him: "Don't present the golden jade to your boss, just bring some local products!" Such as handkerchiefs, mushrooms, thread incense, etc. "Yu Qian laughed on his back after hearing this, and then wrote a poem to show his ambition: silk mushrooms, thread incense harms the people. The breeze swept through the air with two sleeves so as not to interfere with Yamaraja's brief conversation. Mushrooms, handkerchiefs and incense between the lines of the poem are all for people. If officials use it to please their superiors, it will bring difficulties to people's daily needs. Don't let people poke them in the back. From then on, his lintel hung "My sleeves are clean" to show that I was not moved by Li Lu. "Honest official" has also been extended to be synonymous with "honest official". Yu Qian's honesty as an official and selfless accumulation in his life are closely related to his youth reading and writing the poem "Poetry of Lime": thousands of mountains are hit, and leisure is on fire. I am not afraid of being smashed to pieces, but I want to leave my innocence in the world.
Zheng Banqiao: Kangxi scholar, Yongzheng juren, Qianlong scholar, a famous poet, poet and painter in Qing Dynasty. When he was a magistrate of a county in wei county, Shandong Province, he was a clean and honest official, cared about the sufferings of the people and was well received by the people. There is a poem to prove it: Yazhai lies listening to Xiao, and it is suspected that it is the voice of human suffering. Some small collectors in Caozhou County always care about their feelings.
Yu Chenglong: Born in the 45th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty (16 17), died in the 23rd year of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty (1684), and was born in Yongning, Shanxi (now Lishi). During the reign of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, he was admitted to the vice list of scholars and promoted the study of the world. After the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty, in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (166 1), he was promoted to the county magistrate of Luocheng, Guangxi, and his clean and honest career began. Since then, due to outstanding performance, he has been promoted repeatedly. He has served as the magistrate of Hezhou, Sichuan, the magistrate of Wuchang, Hubei, the provincial judge and minister of Fujian, and the governor of Zhili and Liangjiang. 1684, died of overwork in liangjiang governor's office. After his death, he was named "QingDuan". His works include Yu Qing Duan Justice Book. In the twentieth year of Kangxi, when he was the governor of Zhili, Kangxi once praised him as the "first honest official". Shortly after his death, during his southern tour in the same year, Kangxi once again praised Yu Chenglong, the former governor of Jiangnan and Jiangxi, for his preciseness and consistency, and his style of being "honest and upright".