Xie Daoyun (lived around 376) was a native of Yangxia, Chenjun (now Taikang County, Henan). Female poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The niece of Xie An, the famous general who defeated Fu Jian's million-strong army in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, the daughter of Xie Yi, the general of Anxi, the second daughter-in-law of the great calligrapher Wang Xizhi, and the wife of Wang Ningzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi. In 399 AD, Wang Ningzhi was killed by Sun En's uprising army, and she has been living as a widow in Kuaiji. Xie Daoyun is knowledgeable, intelligent and able to argue. Her uncle Xie An once asked her: "Which sentence is the best in "Mao's Poems"?" She replied: "Ji Fu wrote a poem, Mu is like the breeze. Zhongshan Fu always cherishes it to comfort his heart." An praised her. She is "elegant and profound". Once, Xie An summoned his sons and daughters to give a lecture on the theory of literature. Suddenly, heavy snow fell. An asked, "What does the white snow look like?" An's nephew Xie Lang replied, "You can make the difference by spreading salt in the air." Dao Yun said, "It's not like catkins." Because of the wind. "An Dayue." This famous line about chanting snow is widely recited by people. There is one prose piece "Praise to the Analects of Confucius" and two poems "Ode to Mount Tai" (one is "Mountain Climbing"), and two are "Poems about Songs in Songs from Ji Zhong". "Poems about Pines in Songs from Ji Zhong" expresses the emotion of the impermanence of life by singing about pine trees. .
Xie Daoyun and her husband Wang Ningzhi had four sons and one daughter. The four sons were Yunzhi, Pingzhi, and Enzhi. One of them married the Yu family when she became an adult. According to records, all Xie Daoyun's children were killed in the Sun En Rebellion, so although she was born into a famous family, she also had a bad fate.