Mother asked, "Are you looking at the brushwork?" Seeing that he was still young, his father was worried that he could not keep the secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy."
Wang Xizhi knelt down and said, "Let the children read this book. Waiting for him to grow up will delay the wonderful talent and development of his childhood. " Father was so happy that he gave him the book at once. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs. Wei knew this, she told Taichang, "This child must have seen the skill of using a pen. I recently saw his calligraphy, which is old and successful. " He said with tears: "This child will definitely surpass me in fame in the future."
East Jin Mingdi once went to Gai Zhoushan, the northern suburb of Kyoto Jiankang, to worship the land god, and asked Wang Xizhi to write the memorial on a wooden prayer board, and then sent someone to carve it. The sculptor peeled off the wood layer by layer, and found that Wang Xizhi's ink actually penetrated into the depths of the board, and it took three minutes to see the white background! The sculptor marveled at his brushwork: "Incredibly!" After that, "straight to the point" became an idiom, which means that you have a good knowledge of calligraphy or a thorough analysis of problems.
Thirty-three people wrote Preface to Lanting Collection, and thirty-seven people wrote Huang Ting Classic. Later, someone in the air said, "Your calligraphy touched me, but what about the world?" I am the father-in-law. Tiantai said that Wang Xizhi's regular script is better than Zhong You's. Most of Xi Zhi's calligraphy is not fonts.
Wang Xizhi's handwriting is so good, which is of course related to his talent, but the most important thing is his hard work. In order to practice his handwriting well, whether he is resting or walking, he must think about the structure of the font, try to figure out the shelf and momentum of the word, and keep paddling his fingers on his skirt. So after a long time, even my clothes were cut.
He used to practice calligraphy by the pond, and every time he finished writing, he washed his pen and inkstone in the pond. After a long time, the water in the whole pond turned black. It can be seen that he has made great efforts in practicing calligraphy.
It is said that he loves geese very much and often watches them swim around in the river in a daze. Later, he realized the principle of brush strokes from the movements of geese, which was of great help to his calligraphy skills.
Once, he went to a Taoist temple to play, and when he saw a group of geese were lovely, he asked the Taoist priest to sell them to him. The Taoist priest in Guanli admired his calligraphy for a long time and asked him to write a copy of Huang Tingjing in exchange. Wang Xizhi liked those geese very much and agreed. So Wang Xizhi wrote a poem "Huang Ting Jing" for Guan Li, and the Taoist gave him all those geese.
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