Wang Xizhi has seven sons and one daughter, and almost all his children have made achievements in calligraphy. Wang Xuan, the eldest son, whose name is Yuan Bo, is a cursive and official script. The second son, Wang Ningzhi, was named Shu Ping. He also writes cursive script and official script, and his wife is talented woman Xie Daowen. The third son, Wang Huanzhi, is good at cursive writing. I have studied my father's calligraphy since I was a child, and it has reached the level of similarity. There are posts handed down from generation to generation. The fourth son, Wang Suzhi, was young and respectful, and his poems were passed down from generation to generation, but his legal posts were not passed down from generation to generation. The fifth son, Wang Huizhi, is one of the brothers who have made outstanding achievements in calligraphy. Wang Liuzi fuck it, the word is heavy. Wang Xizhi's only daughter, whose name is unknown, gave birth to a son and a daughter. Liu, a woman who married Xie Tiao's grandson Xie, is a famous poet Xie Lingyun. It can be seen that Xie Lingyun is the great-grandson of Wang Xizhi.
Among Wang Xizhi's sons, Wang Xianzhi is the most successful. Wang Xianzhi, the seventh son of Wang Xizhi, was smart and studious since childhood, and was good at cursive and official scripts and painting. This ambitious son once surpassed his father and won the praise of the whole world.