(2).1February 5, 979, the Japanese government protested the Soviet Union's establishment of a military base in the northern territory. On 20th and 20th of 2 1 year, the Senate and the House of Representatives held separate meetings and passed resolutions demanding that the Soviet Union return the northern territory and withdraw its military facilities.
(3).1February 5, 979, Deng Xiaoping's head appeared again on the cover of Time magazine with the title "Deng Lai". Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States set off a "China fever" across the country. More than 200 journalists enjoyed it and followed up on Deng Xiaoping's activities. US Senator Henry Jackson, who accompanied Deng Xiaoping on his visit, pointed to Time magazine with a portrait of Deng Xiaoping on its cover and said with a smile: "At that time, I thought you were one of the leaders of the Red Devils, and I couldn't imagine that you could be named as a news person in Time magazine."