According to the provisions of the Copyright Law, the creator of a work can obtain copyright without registration, and the copyright is obtained from the time when the work is created. Copyright registration, you can apply to the copyright administrative department of the State Council.
Relevant laws and regulations
Copyright law of the people's Republic of China
Article 2 Works of China citizens, legal persons or other organizations, whether published or not, shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law.
The copyright enjoyed by the works of foreigners and stateless persons in accordance with the agreement signed between the country to which the author belongs or the country of habitual residence and China or the international treaties to which * * * is a party shall be protected by this Law.
Works of foreigners and stateless persons first published in China shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law.
The works of authors and stateless persons from countries that have not signed agreements with China or participated in international treaties are first published in the member countries of international treaties to which China is a party, or published in both member countries and non-member countries at the same time, and are protected by this Law.