Wang Xianzhi translated The Wall into the characters of the abbot, but he thought it was possible.
A word from Wang Xianzhi. Famous as a child, detached and free and easy. Even if he lived at home all day, his manners and appearance were tireless, and romance was the highest at that time. When he was a few years old, he used to play with the doorman and said, "The south wind does not dispute." The master said, "This child is a peeping leopard in a tube and knows everything." Wang Xianzhi said angrily: "Far away people are ashamed of Xun Qianfeng, and close people are ashamed of Liu Zhenchang." So he brushed his clothes and left. He visited Xie An with Wang. The two brothers said some trivial things about life, and Wang Xianzhi just exchanged a few commonplaces with Xie An. After going out, someone asked Xie An who was the better brother, and Xie An said that the younger one was more powerful. The guest asked why? Xie An said: "A good man talks little, because he talks little, and he knows his Excellence." Once, Wang Xianzhi and Wang Huizhi were in a house, and their house caught fire. Wang Huizhi was too scared to wear shoes and fled out. Wang Xianzhi looks the same, and slowly asks the servant to help him. One night, Wang Xianzhi was sleeping in the study. The thief came to his house and stole almost everything. After Wang Xianzhi knew it, he said slowly, "Steal, that green carpet was handed down from my family, so you can keep it." The thief was scared away. Wang Xianzhi is good at cursive writing and painting. When he was seven or eight, he studied calligraphy. Wang Xizhi secretly followed him, trying to take his pen [while he was unprepared], but failed. He sighed and said, "This son must be famous in the future!" Wang Xianzhi once wrote a square Chinese character on the wall. Wang Xizhi thinks he is excellent, and hundreds of people watch him write. Huan Wen once drew a fan, but accidentally made a mistake. He drew a black calf along the ink, which was very clever.