Husband has been good at writing since ancient times, and Han and Wei have stunts. Later Jin Dynasty called two kings wonderful. Wang Xizhi said: "Looking for all the famous works, Zhong is unmatched, and the rest is not enough." It can be said that Zhong and Xian did not, but, Xian inherited.
Another cloud said, "My book is like a clock, and the clock should resist or say. Cao Zhang is still a wild goose. However, Zhang is good at this, and the pool is full of ink, so if I am worried about this, I may not thank you. "This is the meaning of Zhong Tui. Test its professional knowledge, although it failed in the previous regulations; Zhi (zhi2) can be used at the same time, so there is no shame in doing things.
Calligraphers since ancient times, from the Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period, Zhong You and Zhang Zhi's calligraphy is the most exquisite, and they are called "Zhong Zhang unique". At the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi and his son Wang Xianzhi was very wonderful, which was called "the wonder of two kings".
Wang Xizhi said: "I have recently collected and studied many famous calligraphy works. I am convinced that only Zhong and Zhang's calligraphy has reached an unparalleled level, and the rest are not worth seeing." It can be said that after the death of Zhong and Zhang, only Wang Xizhi and his son can inherit their status.
Wang Xizhi added, "Compared with Zhong Zhang, my calligraphy is as good as Zhong Zhang's, even better than him. Almost worse than Zhang's cursive script, behind him. But Zhang Zhi's brushwork is good at this, and he made great efforts to blacken the water in the pond where he practiced calligraphy. If I am as persistent as him, I may not be as persistent as him. " .
This is the significance of praising Zhang Zhi's surpassing Zhong You. Looking at Wang's expertise, although some deviated from the previous calligraphy norms, he was able to learn from others and create his own calligraphy style. Therefore, they are worthy of the reputation of "the wonders of the two kings".
The commentator said: "There are four sages, who are unique in ancient and modern times; I can't catch the ancients today, and the ancients are embarrassed now. "Husband quality is changed by splendor, and beauty is changed by customs. Although the book is written, it is suitable for memorizing words; But when li2 moved, her quality and culture changed, and she evolved quickly, becoming a physical Chang Ran. When you could be naughty, today is different. The so-called "gentleness". Then a gentleman. " Why is it easy to carve palaces at acupoints, but not jade at chakras!
Critics said: "The four great calligraphers, Zhong Zhang and Erwang, are particularly prominent in the ancient and modern calligraphy circles respectively. But today (two kings) is not as good as ancient times (Zhong Zhang). Ancient times were characterized by simplicity, but today they are beautiful. " In my opinion, simplicity is the product of that era, but beauty changes with different customs.
Although people write to meet the needs of recording language; However, just like wine has strong and weak points, simplicity and literary talent are also diverse, the times are constantly improving, and the things of predecessors are reforming, inheriting and developing, which is the universal law of the development of things. The key is that they are simple and unfashionable, and beauty is different from beauty.
As the saying goes: "Only when literary talent and simplicity are properly matched can you become a noble person." Why abandon the palace with carved beams and painted buildings and go to the cave, and get off the car decorated with beautiful jade to take an ancient car without spokes?