In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a poor couple from other places fled to Linyi. Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher at that time, saw that they were poor and often helped them. The couple are very touched and have nothing to repay.
Once, when Wang Xizhi was ill, they thought it was time to pay off their debts, so they killed the only hen in the family to make soup, and added some common Chinese herbal medicines to the soup.
I really want to cook the chicken, but my husband who watched the fire fell asleep and cooked all night without thinking about soup. The next day, looking at the cooked chicken soup, my wife was very angry, but there was nothing else at home, so I had to give the cooked chicken soup to Wang Xizhi.
Besides, Wang Xizhi was ill in bed, and his condition improved slightly after taking Chinese medicine, but he had a bitter taste and no appetite. He looked at the chicken soup delivered and was embarrassed to brush others' good, so he put it in a bowl and tasted it. Unexpectedly, after drinking it, he felt refreshed and recovered more than half. On a whim, he casually wrote down the word "Mi Shen", which was later called "Mi Shen" by later generations.
Pinyin: s m 4 n sh ē n
Dialect, rice grain (refers to cooked rice).
Small residue made of grain: corn flour.
Extended data
Chinese character strokes:
Related words:
1, Hong San [Hong]
Refers to something red and granular.
2. Qusan
Wine trough.
3. Basin [shēn
In the old New Year's Eve, pine braziers were burned when worshipping ancestors and worshipping God.
4. Yu San
Jade cup soup.
5. Miscellaneous items
coarse food grains